Eternity Quest: The End

The jet landed on a remote airstrip in Nepal, where Sam met them with another van. He drove them through the winding roads of the Himalayas, avoiding any checkpoints or patrols.

They reached a hidden entrance to a tunnel, which led them to an underground bunker. There, they found a group of Resistance fighters waiting for them.

“Welcome, chosen ones,” a man said. He was the leader of the Resistance, a former scientist who had escaped from the Cult. His name was Dr. Singh.

“We’ve been expecting you,” he said. “We have everything you need to infiltrate the Master’s base and stop him from using the Key.”

He showed them a map of the base on the other side of the mountain. It was a massive complex with multiple layers of security and defenses.

“The base has four zones,” Dr. Singh said. “The first zone is the outer perimeter, guarded by drones and turrets. The second zone is the inner perimeter, which soldiers and robots guard. The third zone is the core, where the Master’s quarters and laboratory are. And the fourth zone is the vault, where he keeps the Key.”

He gave them each a device to hack into the base’s systems and turn off some security features.

“This device will also allow you to communicate with us and each other,” he said. “We’ll be monitoring your progress and providing you with support.”

They pushed back the beam with their combined power, creating a shockwave that shook the entire base. The Master felt his grip on the Key slipping and screamed in rage and fear.

“No, this is impossible!” he shouted. “You cannot defeat me! I am the Master of Eternity!”

He tried to regain control of the Key, but it was too late. The Key sensed his evil intentions, and it rejected him. It flew out of his hands and towards the chosen ones.

They reached out and grabbed the Key, feeling its warmth and light. They felt connected to the Key as if it was a living entity that had chosen them as its friends.

“Thank you, chosen ones,” the Key said. “You have saved me from his corruption. You have saved the world from his destruction. You have fulfilled your destiny.”

They smiled and nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment and relief.

They looked at the Master lying on the floor, defeated and broken. He looked at them with a mix of hatred and fear.

“Please, spare me,” he begged. “I beg you, have mercy.”

They felt no pity for him, only disgust and contempt.

They decided to let him live, but only to suffer the consequences of his actions.

They used their power to seal him in a metal cage, where he would remain for eternity.

They used their knowledge to erase his memory, where he would forget everything he had done.

They used their courage to leave him behind, where he would never see them again.

They left the core and exited the base. They saw the Resistance fighters waiting for them outside, cheering and celebrating.

They joined them and thanked them for their help.

They boarded the helicopter and flew away from the mountain.

They looked at the Key of Eternity, glowing in their hands.

They wondered what they would do with it.

They decided to use it for good, not evil.

They decided to use it to help others, not harm them.

They decided to use it to explore the universe, not exploit it.

They decided to use it to create a new era, not destroy it.

They decided to use it to live in harmony, not in conflict.

They decided to use it to be happy, not sad.

They decided to use it to be free, not enslaved.

They decided to use it to be eternal, not mortal.

He also gave them weapons and gadgets to help them in their mission.

“These are some of the latest inventions from our R&D department,” he said. “Use them wisely.”

He then led them to a helicopter, ready to take off.

“Good luck, chosen ones,” he said. “You are our only hope.”

They boarded the helicopter and flew towards the base.

The helicopter landed on a ledge near the base, where they saw a large metal gate blocking their way.

“Looks like we have to hack our way in,” Rex said.

He removed his device and connected it to the gate’s control panel. He typed in some commands and waited for a response.

“Access denied,” the device said.

“Damn, they have a strong firewall,” Rex said.

“Let me try,” Jack said. He removed his device and connected it to the gate’s control panel. He typed in some commands and waited for a response.

“Access granted,” the device said.

“Nice work, Jack,” Rex said.

They opened the gate and entered the base. They saw a swarm of drones flying towards them.

“Watch out, we have company,” Lily said.

She took out her weapon and shot down some of the drones. The others followed suit and fought their way through the first zone.

They reached the second zone, where soldiers and robots were waiting for them.

“Looks like they were expecting us,” Max said.

He took out his weapon and fired at the enemies. The others joined him and battled their way through the second zone.

They reached the third zone, where they saw a large door with a sign that read “Core.”

“This is it, where the Master is,” Amelia said.

She removed her device and connected it to the door’s control panel. She typed in some commands and waited for a response.

“Access denied,” the device said.

“What? How?” Amelia asked.

“Voice recognition required,” the device said.

“Voice recognition? How are we supposed to get that?” Lily asked.

“Maybe we can use one of their voices,” Jack suggested.

He took out his device and scanned the nearby corpses of the soldiers and robots. He found one that had a voice recorder on its helmet.

“Got one,” he said. He played back the voice recording and held it near the door’s control panel.

“Access granted,” the device said.

They opened the door and entered the core. They saw a large chamber with various machines and monitors. In the center of the room, they saw a man sitting on a throne. He was wearing a black cloak and a metal mask. He had wires and tubes attached to his body. He was holding a device that looked like a remote control.

He was the Master of Eternity.

The Master looked at them with a cold and cruel gaze. He recognized them as the chosen ones who had activated the Key of Eternity.

“So, you are the ones who have been meddling with my plans,” he said. “You have no idea what you have done. You have unleashed a power that you cannot control. A power that belongs to me.”

He pressed a button on his device, and a large screen behind him lit up. It showed a live feed of the vault, where they saw the Key of Eternity floating in a glass case.

“Behold, the Key of Eternity,” the Master said. “The ultimate source of energy and knowledge. The Key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. The Key to becoming a god.”

He laughed maniacally and then continued.

“I have spent my entire life searching for this artifact. I have sacrificed everything for it. I have devoted myself to studying it, understanding it, mastering it. And now, I am ready to use it.”

He pressed another button on his device, and the glass case opened. The Key of Eternity flew out of the case and hovered before the screen.

“The Key is mine,” the Master said. “And with it, I will reshape the world in my image. I will create a new order where I am the supreme ruler. I will eliminate anyone who opposes me, defies me, or challenges me. Starting with you.”

He pressed another button on his device, and the Key of Eternity emitted a bright light toward them.

“Prepare to die, chosen ones,” the Master said.

They felt a surge of pain as the beam hit them. They felt their bodies burning and their minds fading.

They thought they were doomed.

But then, they heard a voice in their heads.

It was the voice of the Key.

“Chosen ones, do not give up,” the Key said. “You have the power to resist him. You have the power to stop him. You have the power to defeat him.”

They felt a surge of hope as they heard the voice.

They realized they had a connection to the Key as if it was a living entity that had chosen them as its guardians.

They realized they had unlocked the secrets of the universe.

They realized they had the power of the Key on their side.

They focused their minds and their wills on the Key.

They felt a surge of energy as they tapped into its power.

They felt a surge of abilities and insights as they accessed its knowledge.

They felt a surge of courage and determination as they faced their enemy.

They used their power to counteract the beam.

They used their knowledge to exploit his weaknesses.

They used their courage to confront his evil.

They fought back against the Master.

They fought back against his tyranny.

They fought back against his madness.

They fought for their freedom.

They fought for their destiny.

They fought for eternity.

Categories: fiction   serial   apocalypse  

Tags: eternity quest