Is Neve Pro really good to make wonderful WordPress site?

I used the Neve Pro theme since two months ago. I tried this because I saw ThemeIsle was offering a free Neve Pro license for one year at that time. Initially, I grabbed that offer to give it a try. Now I realize this theme fits most of my needs.

Is it good? Let’s see.

Easy to upgrade from its free tier

Usually, when we use the free theme version, then want to upgrade to the pro, we must replace the current theme. That can be time-consuming when we’ve done many customizations on the theme. Unless we implemented those customizations on the child theme, updating the WordPress theme can be comparable to a full-time job.

The team behind Neve Pro**** count this into account. To upgrade from Neve free version to the pro, you only need to buy the license and install the Neve Pro plugin. After that, you must insert the license key on that plugin. Next, you can focus customizing the Neve Proyou just installed.

Regular updates

I don’t remember how many updates I’ve received for two months. Both the theme itself and the Neve Pro**** plugin often gives me notifications about the new versions.

Responsive layout

I doubt anyone will use a theme that’s not responsive. In this age where more people are accessing the internet through their mobile devices, the responsive feature is mandatory for every WordPress theme.

Myriad of Google fonts to choose

The pro version provides the user with a myriad of Google fonts and other customized fonts to use. The user only needs to head to Customize > Appearance > Typography

More theme and plugins are focusing their effort to support the Gutenberg block editor nicely. Neve Prois one of them. You can see the result on the homepage of this blog where I use the two-column block feature.

Not only Gutenberg, but I read it supports popular page builders like Elementor too. Though I prefer Gutenberg to use myself.

Easy to customize.

Even if the user did not know any coding at all, they can easily customize this theme to meet their want or needs.

There are some little bugs

Some little bugs I find are:

  • Adding HTML and custom Javascript to custom layout did not work unless you wrap it under Custom HTML widget. This is possible on Gutenberg block editor.

  • There’s huge space below the comments block. You can see it at the bottom of this page. I’ve tried to contact the support to get help but I haven’t gotten a response yet.

Unfortunately, its supports are slow

It’s been two days since I ask the help about mysterious huge space under the comments block. However, I haven’t heard back from them until now.


Neve Protheme is really good to build a wonderful WordPress site. Despite some little bugs I mentioned above, the team is showing their commitment by giving me regular updates. Although I must admit there are many better options out there which have similar price ranges.

At this point, I am still in doubt if I will renew the service for the second year. Like other pro themes out there, you can keep using the theme you’ve bought even if you don’t renew the subscription. But, you won’t get more supports and updates from the developer.

Categories: WordPress  

Tags: neve pro   wordpress theme review