Tag: Web development IDE

June 22, 2019
Cloud9 alternatives after it moved to AWS Cloud9

As we approach the end of the month, the closer we are to the day when we will say goodbye the workspace we love on Cloud9 (c9.io). They will disable our access to the workspace there and we only have one option: download and migrate it somewhere else. But what Cloud9 alternatives after it moved to AWS Cloud9? The first Cloud9 alternatives: AWS Cloud9 I had migrated some of the workspaces belong to the client’s project last week.

June 21, 2019
The story of migrating Cloud9 to AWS Cloud9

Here’s the story of mine migrating Cloud9 to AWS Cloud9. Because AWS decided to disable access to all of the Cloud9 workspaces by the end of this month on June 30, 2019, I have no choice but to migrate them to AWS Cloud9. Before starting Backup your whole database on SQL dump and leave it on your old Cloud9 workspace. This is very important after you’re migrated AWS Cloud9. With this, after the migration, that SQL dump file will be on your AWS Cloud9 as well.

June 14, 2019
Repl.it as one of Cloud9 IDE alternative

As the Cloud9.io will disable its service at this end of the month (June 30, 2019), I have no choice but to explore some alternative options to replace it. Here’s one of Cloud9 IDE alternative I found: Repl.it. When I tweeted about this, two other Twitter accounts asked me to try their cloud IDE services. One of them is Repl.it. Because I was busy at that time, I just add their site to a bookmark.

June 2, 2019
Gitpod as the alternative Cloud IDE

As of now, it’s still in public BETA (so no prices) – according to their official representative. Gitpod, which is said to extend GitHub, is an online integrated development environment (IDE). So basically, it’s a cloud IDE. Therefore, let’s find out: Is Gitpod good enough as the alternative Cloud IDE? Gitpod promises to provide the user with a fully working development environment. What? Another cloud IDE? Gitpod says that it doesn’t aim at replacing desktop development because admit it, nothing beats the old school user interface.