Comparison BitBucket vs GitHub for beginners

Here are the comparison Bitbucket vs GitHub for beginners. As of now, Github also provided us with an unlimited private repository for a free tier account. This means, one of Bitbucket’s advantages over Github had been diminished.

Bitbucket, the Git solution for professional teams

Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service. You can use it for source code and development projects through the utilization of Mercurial since it launches and Git since October 2011.

Mercurial and Git

Mercurial is a revision-control software for developers.

You can use it on Microsoft Windows and Unix-like systems including FreeBSD, macOS, and Linux.

It’s remarkable design features boasts of extraordinary capacities such as:

  • high performance.

  • decentralization.

  • scalability.

  • collaborative development.

  • remarkable handling of both binary files and plain text.

  • advances merging and branching capabilities.

  • also, it remains conceptually simple and easy.

Git, on the other hand, is used to tracking changes in computer files and work coordination among a variety of people. Its primary use is source code management in software development but it also works well for tracking the change in any set of files.

Its features as a distributed revision-control system include speed, data integrity, and sensational support for distributed, non-linear workflows.

Bitbucket presents both free and commercial accounts. Its free accounts promote an unlimited number of repositories with a maximum capacity of five users.

Company behind Bitbucket

It is owned by Atlassian Corporation, an enterprise software company hailing from Australia and specializes in the development of products for software development and project and content management.

Atlassian serves over 120, 000 costumes and is most famous for Jira, its incredible issue tracking application along with its group collaboration product, Confluence.

Bitbucket primarily serves professional developers using private proprietary software code as it was acquired by Atlassian in 2010.

By 2016, Bitbucket reveals that it has reached a total of 5 million developers and 900, 000 teams with its three deployment models, Bitbucket Server, Data Center, and Cloud.


Pull requests effectively facilitate code reviews to pave the way for higher quality code along with an opportunity to share knowledge within the members of the group.

Branch permissions provide a top of the line granular access control to all members of the group to safely ensure that only the right people can make significant changes to the code.

Code aware search is a remarkable tool to save and utilize much needed time by comprehensively looking through results with a semantic search that intelligently ranks definition first.

Bitbucket Pipelines and Deployments integrated with CI/CD comprehensively. For Bitbucket Cloud that is very easy to set up and swiftly automates code from test to production.

You may build and test automatically, giving feedback where you need it and reporting status on pull requests, commits, branches and in your very team’s chat room. It also supports every platform including but not limited to Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, and NET Core.

Deploying with Bitbucket

With Bitbucket you can deploy with confidence with a state of the art deployment visibility to immediately see which version of the software is currently running it each environment.

You may also easily and effectively track and preview deployments just by looking at the easily accessible deployment summary.

Bitbucket envisions a continuous delivery for all teams and effectively and swiftly ship software. Through its easy setup and configuration, there is no need to set up CI servers, with only a few clicks here and there, you are ready and good to go.

With its automated dev to deployment, it can reduce human error significantly. So that the members of the team can focus on more crucial tasks requiring immediate attention.

You may store and manage build configurations in a single bitbucket-pipelines.yml file with the use of code as configuration, and with only 7 lines of codes.

With a unified experience with Bitbucket, there is no need to switch to and from multiple applications, as Bitbucket features a unified workflow from code to deployment.

With the tool of your choice, you may extend your workflow to store artifacts, analyze code, monitor, test or deploy.

And with the choice to map the branch structure, pipelines can align with the branch structure to make branching workflows easier to work with.


GitHub, the world’s leading software development platform

GitHub, on the other hand, is also a web-based hosting service for version control with the use of Git.

It is mostly utilized for computer code and offers distributed version control and source code management (SCM) featuring the remarkable functionality of Git with the addition of its unique features.

Github also presents the user with access control and multiple sensational features including bug tracking, task management, feature requests and wikis for every project.

Then, they offer plans for both private repositories and free accounts, most commonly used for hosting open-source software projects.

In June 2018, GitHub revealed that it has reached over 28 million users and 57 million repositories, including 28 million repositories hailing it as the largest host of source code in the whole world.

GitHub is built for developers as a platform for open-source, business and everything in between, allowing users to host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside millions of developers all over the world.

It aims to improve developer efficiency with its wide array of exceptional features including flexible development options, hundreds of integrations, centralized permission, and swift and updated technical support among others.

Besides, such a platform brings members of groups together to solve problems, create ideas and gain knowledge from each other.


With code review, users can write better code with GitHub. The team can easily create a review process to improve the quality of the code and easily integrate it into the workflow. Starting with a pull request the user can innovate projects, promote new features and discuss administration details.

Everything begins with the new feature or change in the existing code through close coordination of the team. The team can see every update through history and blame view, discuss code as conversations, comments. They can review requests alongside the code.

The user can also easily resolve simple conflict without the necessity of a command line. Merging the highest quality code is possible with planning permissions, protected branches, and required status checks. You can easily review the proofs through various review tools such us Codecov, Codacy, Coveralls, and CodeFactor.

With project management, project managers can update and edit their work in one place.

  • Starting with an issue

  • Link to various pull requests

  • Visualize the work through the utilization of project boards to organize projects

  • Add tasks to columns, share work, see project activity

  • And lastly, finish the project.

Personalized project management is even easier with various tools such as Codetree, Waffle, Zube, and ZenHub.

With integrations, developers can build on GitHub without limit by discovering new tools, building from GitHub from release to API in no time and precise data in one call.

GitHub also takes care of administrative and security needs through flexible hosting, authentication options, and many others.

GitHub users have access to a platform where they can freely create remarkable technological contributions and innovations.

Additionally, the had been dubbed as the world’s largest open-source community it has 96 million repositories, 31 million developers and 2.1 million businesses and organizations worldwide today.

Unique in their ways.

Both Bitbucket and GitHub offer a variety of features that you may utilize according to your needs.

Bitbucket supports both Mercurial and Git while GitHub only supports Git.

Both offer free and unlimited public repositories.

For Bitbucket, private repositories are free for a maximum of five users. While GitHub requires an additional payment of $7/month for unlimited users.

Updates: Now Github provides private repositories for free too since Microsoft acquired it

Integration includes:

  • Jira

  • Crucible

  • Jenkins

  • Bamboo for Bitbucket and Asana

  • Zendesk

  • CloudBees

  • Travis

  • CodeClimate

  • AWS

  • Windows Azure

  • Google Cloud

  • and Heroku for GitHub.

Both offer competitive rates for both individuals and organizations.

For GitHub, I also found there’s an online IDE that integrates with it, called Gitpod. It’s such a great service though it’s still on public BETA.

Updates on July 2019

Now, Github also offers free private repositories, since Microsoft acquired it. Many things happened. But for us, users, this is a good improvement.

Updates on April 2020

Even better, there is an integrated Cloud IDE for Github called Gitpod (from entirely different company). Still better, you can get 30% off for your first three months subscription on Gitpod using my discount code: KEVIN02

Categories: Git  

Tags: git