Here are the reasons I prefer to use Reddit

I’ve been using Reddit since 2012. Not only Reddit, but I also use other social networks at the time. I decided to remove most of my social networks account several years later. My old Reddit account was no exception. But I chose to sign up again last year. Here are the reasons I prefer to use Reddit over other major social networks.


Reddit never asked me to give my phone number. It also never asked me to send my government ID card. While the other major social networks are asking me for that information, Reddit never did it. In the old times, Reddit even doesn’t ask for a profile picture. 

Brutally honest

Most of the Redditors are brutally honest. Although some internet marketing guys say they’re harsh, they’re not. It’s because most of them are saying things honestly and upfront. If they don’t like something, they’ll vote it down, and vice versa.

New design with night mode

The old Reddit design is obsolete. The developer team does a good job to redesign the whole site. Though some Redditors are on hostile position for this new site look, I prefer this new design. It’s because it provides me with a night mode.

Good discussions

Most of the discussions I read are a good one. The comments are always relevant to the question’s topic. The moderators on every subreddits are doing their jobs well. 

I rarely spot any unrelated comments or spams. Even if I see them, I’ll vote it down, report to the moderator, and block that person.

Best deals

I often find the best deals on the subreddit I follow. For example, I get the premium theme Neve Pro for free from one of their subs. 

The developer of the theme happened to be one of active Redditors. One day, they gave away the Neve Pro license for one year, for that day only. I grab that deal and here what you see: this blog is using Neve Pro theme.

Updates on the latest news

I always get updates of the latest information relating to my interests from there. One example is when the WordPress team released the 5.2.3. 

Another one is the WordPress new default theme:  Twenty Twenty is going to release with WordPress 5.3 near the end of this year. I am looking forward to it. 

Good voting system

As a Redditor, I have the privilege to give a vote on every thread submitted there. If I like it and feel it’s a good one, I will vote it up. The same thing for the opposite. When I see something not relevant, I’ll just vote it down.

Fewer ads

As I remember, Reddit didn’t display any ads before its major redesign. It understands that most of its members hate ads. Instead, they offer a premium tier to generate revenue. This one is the most important reasons I prefer to use Reddit.

Covers everything

I can tell you that you’ll be able to find almost any topics relating to your life as a human. From tech, entertainment, politics, gardening, games, it covers everything I want to know. 

Sometimes I wonder if there’s any topic that it doesn’t cover yet?

Categories: Internet  

Tags: reddit