Tag: cheap wordpress hosting

September 18, 2019
Remarkable things I found on VeeroTech after three months

Three months ago, at the beginning of June, I decided to move this blog to VeeroTech web hosting. It turned out to be the right decision. Here areremarkable things I found on VeeroTech after three months hosting with them. Remarkable uptime For a $3.95/month host, I don’t expect too much. I only hope it won’t go down too often like my old host. It turns out their service is beyond my expectation.

June 18, 2019
WordPress on Heroku 2019

Is it possible to run WordPress on the Heroku on this 2019? The short answer is yes. It is possible. But is it feasible? Let’s see. SSL If we want our WordPress to use SSL on Heroku, then we need at least to pay for their Hobby plan which is $7 per month. But, that’s not enough. We still need to get the SSL certificate, install it and configure it. This is not a simple process though it’s not a difficult one.