Remarkable things I found on VeeroTech after three months

Three months ago, at the beginning of June, I decided to move this blog to VeeroTech web hosting. It turned out to be the right decision. Here areremarkable things I found on VeeroTech after three months hosting with them.

Remarkable uptime

For a $3.95/month host, I don’t expect too much. I only hope it won’t go down too often like my old host. It turns out their service is beyond my expectation.

There is only one downtime for several minutes during these three months. This exceeds my initial expectation. Earlier, I expect it will go down for once in a month. But I am wrong. It only goes down for once in three months. I hope the performance will be intact for future months.

Good support

They don’t provide live chat support. However, they do reply and keep me updated in several minutes. I rarely have any technical issues with them. Once I have an issue, their technical support solve it in a matter of minutes. As far as I remember, it always under thirty minutes.

This is much better than another host which provides live chat support. But I’ve never been able to reach them when things go wrong. Then, they come with an excuse that it has a coincidence with the high load of their support.

Works seamlessly with Cloudflare

There’s an icon on the cPanel menu for Cloudflare. I can set up the Cloudflare directly from there. It’s a comfortable way to manage the Cloudflare account from the cPanel.

Good commitment

Before they decide to increase the base price, I’ve paid them for one year. I pay $3.95/month and they bill me for a year. Some days later, they have no choice to increase their base price for the plan I’ve bought to $5.95/month. The cause is the cPanel license pricing.

But, they keep their promise. They’ll charge me $5.95/month starting on next year. That is if I choose to stay using their service. Seeing such an honest company, I will likely stay with them.

Consistent pricing

They have consistent pricing. They don’t offer a big discount for new customers. So, customers will pay the same price if they decide to extend the service. For example, you buy their service for $5.95/month and you pay for a year, then they’ll charge you the same price for the second, third, fourth, and the years you choose to stay with them.

Even if there’s a change in pricing, they’ll notify us in advanced. Just like when they decided to increase their base price, they do send me an e-mail with brief explanations about the changes.

On the other hand, I often read people are complaining their renewal hosting price is much more expensive than their first-year price. Although the hosting company already made it clear that their first-year price is promotional one, most people just overlook it. With VeeroTech, you won’t have such experience.

Good and stable performance

Even when the traffic spikes up, I saw the response time of this blog keeps low. This happened before I put on the Cloudflare service. After I put on the Cloudflare, I have more confidence in the performance.

Seeing makes believing easier. Here are the screenshots of Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

For your information, this blog doesn’t use any WordPress caching plugins when I measure the performance. So, there are still many ways to improve it.

If you want to give it a try

Then, consider to follow these steps:

  • Sign up through this link so you’ll get $10 in your hosting account. You need to stay with them for at least one month.

  • Use this discount code on the checkout page: 1stmonth50 . This way, you’ll get a 50% discount for your first month with them.

Categories: Web Hosting  

Tags: cheap hosting   cheap wordpress hosting   hosting wordpress ssd   SSD web hosting   veerotech   web hosting