Tag: jetpack

August 6, 2019
Is Jetpack Personal Plan worth the money?

Long-time ago, I decided to get rid off Jetpack from this blog. It happened when I put this blog on the old hosting. But after moving to new hosting, I decide to use it until now, and even paying for it. Is Jetpack Personal Plan worth the money? Let’s see. Fast forward to two months ago, when I decided to get a new host for this blog, I installed it again.

July 28, 2019
The story of using Jetpack

Though some people said it’s bloated, for others, it’s still useful. You can indeed replace each of the Jetpack modules with another plugin for that function only. Yet, only a few people can find the plugin to replace the Jetpack function they needed. So, here’s my story of using Jetpack plugin myself. The beginning I try Jetpack on this blog when it’s still on an old host with that $9/year plan.