Is Jetpack Personal Plan worth the money?

Long-time ago, I decided to get rid off Jetpack from this blog. It happened when I put this blog on the old hosting. But after moving to new hosting, I decide to use it until now, and even paying for it. Is Jetpack Personal Plan worth the money? Let’s see.

Fast forward to two months ago, when I decided to get a new host for this blog, I installed it again. This time, the performance didn’t degrade at all. I even didn’t notice the slow down at all. At this point, I hadn’t known which one cause the deteriorated performance years ago.

  • It could be the Jetpack itself. Now, its developers might fix it.

  • Or, it could be the old host I used. It was a $9/year host.

Well, what’s important is it’s working now. No slow-down, no lag, and no performance degradation.

Since it’s been working well for two months, I decided to give a try its paid plan. I subscribed to the Jetpack Personalplan last week. It’s just $3.25 per month. But I paid it $2.6 per month for the first year because I use this coupon code: JPSAVE20.

But, Is it worth the money? Let’s see.

The difference between the

Freeand the Personalplan

Here are the features that are only available on the Personalplan

  • Daily automated backup . It says it gives unlimited backup storages. Once you purchase it, you only need to activate it. No need to set up complicated things.

  • 30-day archive. You can access your entire backup for up to the last 30 days. The Vaultpress plugin will handle the process. It will automatically set up that plugin once you upgraded to the Personal plan.

  • Automated spam filtering. Technically, the Akismet is handling the spam filtering process. As Vaultpress, once you upgraded to the plan, you’ll see it set up this plugin too.

  • Priority Support. Honestly, I am not sure what it means by priority support. See my experience below.

My experience with Jetpack Priority Support

I noticed the problem on Jetpack on this blog on the mid of last month. The blog subscription form widget that used to show on the top right of every page lost.

I was sure that I didn’t remove it. But I couldn’t find it on the available widget list. Weird. Then, I tried to clear the whole caches, clear the Cloudflare cache, and it did not help at all. At this point, I was still on the Freeplan.

So, I asked help from the support. I contacted them both on its contact page and its official Twitter account. After some days passed, there were no responses at all. The problem was still there. I just let it go since I didn’t have time to meddle with this problem.

Fast forward to the point where I’ve been on the Personalplan. I subscribed it annually. This time, I sent another request for help, for the same problem, through their contact page.

Guess what? In a matter of hours, I saw the blog subscription formwidget is showing again. You know what? There are still no responses from them until now . Whatever. As long as the problem solved, it’s fine for me.


Is it worth the money? For me, yes. At least, on this plan, they solved my problem much faster.

That daily automated back is helpful too. Especially for someone who didn’t know how to set up Updraft or other free backup plugins to handle the backup.

For the automated-spam-filtering, you can set up Akismet without Jetpack. But for someone who didn’t want or didn’t know their way to install and set up a plugin, this Jetpack Personal plan will save the day.

Additionally, from what I see on the Vaultpress dashboard, it seems possible to restore the backup to any location you set up there. This means when you move to another host, you can easily restore everything from there.

So, Is Jetpack Personal Plan worth the money? For me, yes.

Categories: WordPress  

Tags: jetpack   wordpress   wordpress plugin