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Tag: ruby

December 17, 2022
How I delivered photo background manipulation app based on MMS - Long long ago, someone asked me to help develop MMS based app. The app will receive photos through MMS, replace the background with one of the chosen backgrounds, then send the result back. It seems like a simple app, but it’s not that simple. It takes about 40 hours of work to deliver the app. The flow At that time, there were several background photos. Each of the background photos maps to a phone number.

April 13, 2020
My experience with tool

Here’s my experience with Many days ago, someone asked me to build a photo editor app with Ruby. The app is simple. It will receive people’s photos and replace their backgrounds with promotional backgrounds. We decide to look for a tool to remove the original backgrounds. Then, we come across (link: and give it a try. Easy to use tool The online tool on their homepage is easy to use.