Tag: VeeroTech vs SiteGround

September 13, 2019
SiteGround – good web hosting with strong commitments

Some days ago I wrote my story about setting up Let’s Encrypt SSL on SiteGround. It wasn’t a good story. After several years working with their service, I face such a problem. But this problem shows how they’re really a web hosting with strong commitments. Not only that, here are more facts I’ve found. An honest cheap price I know that some people will have a hostile comment about this statement.

September 8, 2019
Let’s Encrypt SSL problem on SiteGround

This happens on the GrowBigaccount this weekend. Their documentation says the Let’s Encrypt SSL (without wildcard) should take effect immediately. Here’s the link to the doc which says it. Here’s the details story for Let’s Encrypt SSL problem on SiteGround. It’s doesn’t work It’s doesn’t work in my case. The popup says the Let’s Encrypt SSL has successfully installed. But after waiting for almost 24 hours, the SSL is not there.