SiteGround – good web hosting with strong commitments

Some days ago I wrote my story about  setting up Let’s Encrypt SSL on SiteGround. It wasn’t a good story. After several years working with their service, I face such a problem. But this problem shows how they’re really a web hosting with strong commitments.

Not only that, here are more facts I’ve found.

An honest cheap price

I know that some people will have a hostile comment about this statement. However, I must admit that they do have it.

Though most people, including me, often overlook this fact. Let’s take a look at their  StartUp plan. Its price is  $3.95/month . It’s cheap. Most people will rush to register for 12 months, 24 months or 36 months, then continue to the checkout page and pay.

Then, when the initial term is over, they will rant about the renewal price  hikes to $11.95/mo . They didn’t put attention to detail that the $3.95/month is a promotional price for the first year only. Its regular price is $11.95/month for  StartUp plan. The same thing goes for the other plans.

30 days money-back guarantee

As the other web hosting like  VeeroTech, they’ll also offer 30 days money-back guarantee. I didn’t look about their terms on this. 

A fast and reliable host

Putting aside the fact that I’ve gotten a problem installing Let’s Encrypt SSL and the first short downtime, they’re a reliable host. Any of my client’s sites we host there, never have any downtime for years.


Even on the first registration, you’ll see additional services like SG Site-Scanner that will cost you $19.80/year. For those who need it, this can be helpful. For those who didn’t, you’ll have to put more attention to detail. Make sure you didn’t check the box.

24/7 availability for supports

As they clarified  here, their team is available 24/7. They provide live chat and phone support. I only tried the live chat last time. It failed and forced me to create a support ticket. Probably, I should try their phone support on the next time.

Integrated cPanel with the dashboard

It’s one of my favorites. To login to cPanel of the sites we hosted there, there is no need to log in manually. I only need to click the red  Go to cPanel button. Then, I’ll get it in some seconds. 

Fortunately, my current web host also provides the same feature. Otherwise, I may consider switching to SiteGround for the first 36 months.

Strong commitment

As I’ve mentioned in the beginning, one of their supports even sent me a clarification on  this comment. To me, it’s showing they have a strong commitment to the web hosting business. 

It shows they try their best to give the best service to their customer. Problems will happen. Nobody’s perfect. No web hosting has 100% uptime.


I think now I know why my clients choose their service to host their sites. Despite the high regular price, SiteGround does try their best to give the best service to its customers.

If you consider using SiteGround, my suggestion for you is always to put attention to details. Always be mindful. Double-check again before you submit any form. Re-read again and make sure you’re not missing anything there.

Categories: Web Hosting  

Tags: VeeroTech vs SiteGround   webhosting