The Truth About The Bride Who Killed Herself And Her Husband Will Make You Shiver!

The investigators left the dining room and continued their exploration of the house. They followed Jake’s intuition and headed toward the bedroom, which was located on the second floor, at the end of the hallway. They hoped to find some clues about the house’s owner and the mystery behind his death.

They entered the bedroom, which was a spacious and luxurious room, with a king-sized bed, a fireplace, a closet, and a balcony. The bedroom was also dim and gloomy and smelled of perfume and decay.

“Wow,” Lisa said. “This is where he used to sleep.”

She turned on her flashlight and scanned the room.

“Look at this bed,” she said. “It’s covered with silk sheets and pillows. It looks like he was very comfortable.”

She pointed her camera at the bed, which was neatly made and decorated with roses and candles. The bed looked inviting and romantic, but also lonely and sad.

“Yuck,” Amy said. “That’s creepy.”

She turned on her flashlight and scanned the room.

“Look at this closet,” she said. “It’s full of clothes and accessories. It looks like he was very fashionable.”

She pointed her camera at the closet, which was open and filled with suits, shirts, ties, shoes, hats, watches, and jewelry. The clothes looked expensive and stylish, but also vain and superficial.

“Who was he?” Amy asked.

Jake stepped forward and looked at the closet.

“He was Mr. Blackwood,” he said. “He was the owner of this house. He was a rich and powerful businessman who had a taste for luxury and pleasure. He was also a notorious womanizer who had a taste for beauty and betrayal.”

He touched one of the suits with his hand and closed his eyes.

“He cheated on his wife,” he said. “He cheated on her with many women. He cheated on her on their wedding night.”

He opened his eyes and shuddered.

“She found out,” he said.

“What?” Lisa asked.

“She found out,” Jake repeated. “She found out about his affair. She found out about his lover.”

He pointed at a painting on the wall, which showed a portrait of a woman. She was a young and beautiful woman, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and red lips. She wore a white wedding dress and a veil and held a bouquet of roses in her hand. She smiled sweetly at the viewer, but also had a hint of sadness and despair in her eyes.

“She was his wife,” Jake said. “She was his bride. She hanged herself on their wedding night after discovering his infidelity.”

He pointed at another painting on the wall, which showed the same scene as before, but at a different stage. The woman was hanging from a rope tied to the ceiling fan in the bedroom. She wore the same wedding dress and veil, but they were stained with blood and tears. She had a note in her hand that read: “I loved you more than anything. You betrayed me more than anyone.”

“She died in sorrow,” Jake said. “She died in anger. She died in love.”

He pointed at another painting on the wall, which showed the same scene as before, but at a different stage. The woman was standing on the bed again, but this time she was transparent and ghostly. She had the same smile as before, but also a hint of madness and vengeance.

“She regretted what she did,” Jake said. “But it was too late. Her soul was bound to this house by her love. She haunts this bedroom, waiting for her husband to return.”

He pointed at the last painting on the wall, which showed the same scene as before, but at a different stage. The woman was looking at the investigators, who were standing in the middle of the room. She had the same smile as before, but also a hint of jealousy and hatred.

“She wants us to pay for his sins,” Jake said. “She wants us to share her pain.”

He turned around and faced the bed, which was still covered with silk sheets and pillows. He saw that some of them had moved or changed since they entered the room. The sheets had turned red and wet, the pillows had grown feathers and thorns, the roses had grown thorns and blood, and the candles had grown flames and smoke.

“She is alive,” Jake said. “She is angry.”

He heard a scream from behind him. He turned around and saw that the woman had appeared in front of the door, blocking their exit. She was a tall and slender woman, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and red lips. She wore a white wedding dress and veil that were torn and dirty. She held a rope in one hand and a knife in another.

“Hello, my darling,” she said. “Welcome to my bedroom. I am Mrs. Blackwood, the bride of this house. I have waited for you for a long time. Please, stay with me forever. I love you!”

She laughed hysterically as she ran towards them with the rope and the knife.

The investigators were shocked and scared by her appearance and words. They realized they were trapped in a nightmare. They had to find a way to escape from the bedroom, or they would become the next victims of the woman and her husband.

To be continued…

Categories: fiction   serial   the haunted house project  

Tags: the haunted house project