They Thought They Were Exploring a Haunted House, But What They Found in the Attic Was Worse Than Anything They Could Imagine!

The investigators left the nursery and continued their exploration of the house. They followed Amy’s intuition and headed towards the attic, which was located on the third floor, above the nursery. They hoped to find some clues about the house’s secrets and the source of its evil.

They entered the attic, which was a dark and cramped room, with a low ceiling, a wooden floor, and a skylight. The attic was also dirty and cluttered and smelled of blood and smoke.

“Wow,” Jake said. “This is where they used to hide.”

He turned on his flashlight and scanned the room.

“Look at this floor,” he said. “It’s covered with symbols and candles. It looks like they were very ritualistic.”

He pointed his camera at the floor, which was marked with various circles, stars, pentagrams, and sigils. The floor looked ancient and mysterious, but also sinister and dangerous.

“Yuck,” Lisa said. “That’s scary.”

She turned on her flashlight and scanned the room.

“Look at this skylight,” she said. “It’s covered with cracks and stains. It looks like they were very desperate.”

She pointed her camera at the skylight, which was broken and dirty. The skylight looked like a window to the sky, but also a portal to hell.

“Who were they?” Lisa asked.

Amy stepped forward and looked at the skylight.

“They were the followers of Mr. Blackwood,” she said. “They were a cult that worshipped him as their leader. They were his loyal servants and his willing victims.”

She touched one of the symbols with her hand and closed her eyes.

“They performed human sacrifices,” she said. “They killed people in his name. They killed people for his power. They killed people for his pleasure.”

She opened her eyes and shuddered.

“They summoned a dark entity,” she said.

“What?” Jake asked.

“They summoned a dark entity,” Amy repeated. “They summoned it from the depths of the abyss. They summoned it with their blood and their souls. They summoned it for his glory.”

She pointed at a painting on the wall, which showed a scene of horror. It depicted a group of people wearing black robes and masks, standing around a large pentagram on the floor. They held knives in their hands and had corpses at their feet. They chanted in an unknown language and raised their arms to the sky. In the center of the pentagram, there was a dark figure that looked like a shadow with red eyes. It had horns, wings, claws, and teeth. It was Mr. Blackwood, or what he had become.

“He was their god,” Amy said. “He was their master. He was their doom.”

She pointed at another painting on the wall, which showed the same scene as before, but at a different stage. The cult members were lying on the floor of the attic, covered in blood and fire. They had been consumed by their ritual. Some of them had stab wounds on their chests, some of them had burn marks on their skin, and some of them had bite marks on their necks.

“They died in agony,” Amy said. “They died in terror. They died in vain.”

She pointed at another painting on the wall, which showed the same scene as before, but at a different stage. The cult members were standing around the pentagram again, but this time they were transparent and ghostly. They had the same masks as before, but also a hint of regret and fear.

“They regretted what they did,” Amy said. “But it was too late. Their souls were bound to this house by their doom. They haunt this attic, waiting for their god to return.”

She pointed at the last painting on the wall, which showed the same scene as before, but at a different stage. The cult members were looking at the investigators, who were standing in the middle of the room. They had the same masks as before, but also a hint of hunger and malice.

“They want us to join them,” Amy said. “They want us to be their sacrifices.”

She turned around and faced the floor, which was still covered with symbols and candles. She saw that some of them had moved or changed since they entered the room. The symbols had glowed red and black, the candles had grown taller and brighter, the pentagram had grown larger and deeper, and the dark figure had grown clearer and closer.

“He is alive,” Amy said. “He is angry.”

She heard a roar from behind her. She turned around and saw that Mr. Blackwood had appeared in front of the door, blocking their exit. He was a tall and muscular man, with long black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. He wore a black robe and a mask and had horns, wings, claws, and teeth. He held a knife in one hand and a book in another.

“Hello, my children,” he said. “Welcome to my attic. I am Mr. Blackwood, the lord of this house. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Please, join me in my ritual. I need you!”

He laughed evilly as he flew towards them with the knife and the book.

The investigators were shocked and scared by his appearance and words. They realized they were trapped in a nightmare. They had to find a way to escape from the attic, or they would become the next victims of Mr. Blackwood and his cult.

To be continued…

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Tags: the haunted house project