Tag: password manager

December 14, 2022
Here's why I delete my 1Password account

kevinhq.com - Yesterday, I decided to delete my 1Password account. Most of the reasons are personal so take it easy. Here they are: It’s frozen for a very long time. I don’t remember how long it was. With a frozen account, I can only read the information there. There’s no autofill feature anymore. I couldn’t add any logins either. It urged me to subscribe to a plan. A few weeks before I deleted it, it often showed texts asking me to subscribe to a plan.

July 6, 2019
Problems that forced me to leave Dashlane for 1Password

Dashlane is good. Really good password manager for me. I had used it for a one-year, more or less. However, in the last month, I decided to move from Dashlane to 1Password. Here are the problems that forced me to leave Dashlane for 1Password. It’s not because Dashnale is not good enough, of course. Plan to minimize the cost Dashlane’s monthly cost is more expensive than 1Password. However, Dashlane did provide more features.

June 3, 2019
Do I need a password manager software?

It’s been a while I am exploring my own needs and also do some researches on the internet to find out if I really need a VPN service. During this period, I come to realize that I may need a password manager software more, than a VPN service. Do I really need a pasword manager? This started from several months ago when I notice some of the scams e-mail on my spam folder which mentioned old password I’ve used on some sites, several years ago, during my time on college.