Valuable things that make service interesting

As I’ve told you on the  previous post, I began to explore its valuable features after I got the  **Unlimited ** plan from team. Here are the valuable things that make service interesting, after I do my exploration.

Seamless Github integration

This is the first feature I explore. I wonder how well it’s integrating to Github platform. 

I start with the registration process. After I click that  Get started button on their  pricing page, I get a Github sign-in page. 

Once I sign-in using the Github account, it will ask authorization access. Just like the typical  OAuth process. 

Since they’ve granted the  **Unlimited ** plan for me, I get my dashboard after I sign-in with my Github account.

Browser Extension

To create a new workspace from your existing Github repository page, there are two ways. 

As far as I know, there is no way to create a workspace without going through the Github repository page. If you know the way to do this, please let me know.

Predictable price

For open source project, just go with their  Free  plan. Go with  **a Personal ** plan for 8€ / month for your personal project. You need  **an Unlimited ** plan if you’re on a commercial project. Its price is 35€ / month.

It would be 30% off for the first three months if you’re using my discount code:  KEVIN02

It’s a reasonable price though it looks pricier compared to the old Cloud9 IDE. Keep reading and you’ll know why it’s more expensive.

Growing community

It has a growing community. You can check it here: Growing community means more supports if you face any problems.

Good UI and UX

If you used to work with old Cloud9 IDE, its default theme is light. But, Gitpod makes its default theme dark. Though there’s an option to switch between dark and light. I prefer the dark than the light one. 

Straightforward documentation

They write the full documentation on this page: It’s pretty straightforward. 


It loads fast. You can start to work on the codes real quick. You can start right away from your Github repository. No need to clone or do  git pull first.

Easy for those who are familiar with Docker

It works using the Docker. Therefore, you’ll be able to install any packages you need on the workspace by adding the Docker image for that package. 

Free for open source

Have I mentioned it before? You can use it for your open source project for free. No question asked. Just use their Free plan and you get unlimited public workspaces to work on your projects.

Special price for student

Similar to old, there’s a special price for students too. So, if you’re a student, don’t miss this chance.

Available for teams

For those who need to manage teams to work on the project, Gitpod provides them with  Gitpod  for the team. It’s a feature that helps you to manage your teams using  Gitpod in one place.

Support for mainstream languages

As always, the IDE supports most of the mainstream programming languages like Java, PHP, and Ruby.

Dedicated status page

Like Cloud9 and other alternatives IDE, Gitpod gives us a dedicated status page. Therefore, if any of its users are facing problems with IDE, the first page to look is


Gitpod may not be the best cloud IDE for Cloud9 replacement. However, if your project is using Github, it’s worth to try its service. So far, it’s the only cloud IDE that supports integration with Github seamlessly.

Therefore, for those who’re looking for cloud IDE which they can set up easily and quickly with Github, is the best answer.

SO, those are the most valuable things that make service interesting. I hope you’re interested to give it a try.

Categories: Cloud IDE  

Tags: cloud IDE   gitpod