Category: Cloud IDE

November 6, 2022
6 Most Prominent Ruby IDE for Linux

There were many IDEs out there that supports Ruby on Linux. However, not all of them are good. Here’s the list of recommended Ruby IDE you can use on Linux. The list based on my first-hand experience. It sorts by the alphabetical order. That means, the first Ruby IDE on Linux mentioned on the list doesn’t mean it’s better than the others below it. Some of the IDEs below are on the cloud and accessible through modern web browser like Chrome or Firefox.

July 27, 2021
Gitpod Cheatsheets

These cheat sheets should help you to jump-start your work with Gitpod Cloud IDE.Run proper workspace images. You can see the list of available workspace images here: There is no need to install all the packages in workspace-full when you need Ruby and NodeJS. Or, you can install Go and Python if that’s all you need. File and data persistency Remember, only files and data under /workspace directory will be persistent after you restart the workspace.

March 25, 2021
Gitpod Cloud IDE is now allowing sudo in runtime

Gitpod is now allowing sudo in runtime. After waiting for quite some time, now they give it. What does it mean to users? We don’t need to create a new workspace to add one or two small packages we need. It saves our hours. How to activate this feature? Please keep in mind this feature is still in beta. Here’s hoping they’ll launch it as a standard feature soon. Unfortunately, they don’t give any estimate on how long we have to wait for its release.

August 23, 2020
Quick Start in WooCommerce with CodeLobster IDE

Quick Start in WooCommerce with CodeLobster IDE Even a small business can now stand out from the competitors, look authoritative and earn loyalty by creating its own marketplace. E-commerce sites are the most dynamic resources. After the launch of the site, development does not stop and elaboration is ongoing. Many businesses just can’t sell their products without the help of programmers. In this article, we will look at the popular WooCommerce plugin and show you how to work effectively with it in CodeLobster IDE.

April 1, 2020
Sync up Heroku Postgres to local Postgres on Gitpod IDE

Background story I plan to move one of my client projects to Gitpod Cloud IDE. It’s using Rails 2.3.6 (actually I’ve upgraded it to 2.3.8). For running the live site, it’s using Heroku. So, it makes sense to install Heroku CLI (or Heroku Toolbelt or whatever its name is) on the IDE. Here’s my story how I sync Heroku Postgres to Gitpod Postgres This post assumes you, the readers, are familiar with Heroku CLI, running terminal, and Gitpod Cloud IDE.

March 27, 2020
My efforts to install Ruby 2.3.6 on Gitpod

Gitpod is the only IDE that’s integrating seamlessly with Github. However, by default, they only provide the latest Ruby 2.5 and 2.6. It is good to always provide Ruby’s latest version. It’s an ideal approach. Unfortunately, the web development project is not that ideal. One of my client’s project is still requiring Ruby 2.3.6 for various reasons I can’t describe here. So, how to install Ruby 2.3.6 on Gitpod IDE?

March 25, 2020
Free IDE for web developer – Codelobster IDE

Today I find out a good and free IDE for web developer. Though it’s not a cloud one, I think it’s good enough for a free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor. It’s caleld: Codelobster IDE Here’s why Codelobster IDE allows you to edit PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, it highlights the syntax and gives hints for tags, functions and their parameters. This editor easily deals with those files that contain mixed content.

October 18, 2019
What you need to know about Gitpod if you’re Github user

First, Gitpod and Github are different companies. But Gitpod service will make your Github experience more delightful. Here is what you need to know about Gitpod if you’re Github user like me. The only cloud IDE which works seamlessly with Github It’s the only cloud IDE which works seamlessly with the Github repository. At least, that’s what I know when I write this post. If you need to run that git clone blah blah on the other IDE to clone the codes from Github repo, it’s not the case with Gitpod.

September 4, 2019
Valuable things that make service interesting

As I’ve told you on the previous post, I began to explore its valuable features after I got the **Unlimited ** plan from team. Here are the valuable things that make service interesting, after I do my exploration. Seamless Github integration This is the first feature I explore. I wonder how well it’s integrating to Github platform. I start with the registration process. After I click that Get started button on their pricing page, I get a Github sign-in page.

August 28, 2019
Got nice surprises from Gitpod team

Gitpod is the only cloud IDE that integrates seamlessly with Github. At least that’s what I know when I am writing this. Here’s how I got nice surprices from Gitpod team. How I found Gitpod I found it almost a year ago. At that time, Amazon acquired, the cloud IDE I used to work. I used its free plan since it’s already provided me with one private workspace. However, I predicted that some days, they’re going to change it.

July 5, 2019
The keys to giving IAM users access to AWS C9

This is my story when I need to give IAM users on the same AWS account, access to open and work on existing AWS Cloud9 workspace. It’s not straightforward to give access to AWS C9 for IAM users. Here are the keys to giving IAM users access to your AWS C9 – so they don’t need to login as root user. The AWS docs did provide the detailed guides to do this.

June 22, 2019
Cloud9 alternatives after it moved to AWS Cloud9

As we approach the end of the month, the closer we are to the day when we will say goodbye the workspace we love on Cloud9 ( They will disable our access to the workspace there and we only have one option: download and migrate it somewhere else. But what Cloud9 alternatives after it moved to AWS Cloud9? The first Cloud9 alternatives: AWS Cloud9 I had migrated some of the workspaces belong to the client’s project last week.

June 21, 2019
The story of migrating Cloud9 to AWS Cloud9

Here’s the story of mine migrating Cloud9 to AWS Cloud9. Because AWS decided to disable access to all of the Cloud9 workspaces by the end of this month on June 30, 2019, I have no choice but to migrate them to AWS Cloud9. Before starting Backup your whole database on SQL dump and leave it on your old Cloud9 workspace. This is very important after you’re migrated AWS Cloud9. With this, after the migration, that SQL dump file will be on your AWS Cloud9 as well.

June 14, 2019 as one of Cloud9 IDE alternative

As the will disable its service at this end of the month (June 30, 2019), I have no choice but to explore some alternative options to replace it. Here’s one of Cloud9 IDE alternative I found: When I tweeted about this, two other Twitter accounts asked me to try their cloud IDE services. One of them is Because I was busy at that time, I just add their site to a bookmark.

June 2, 2019
Gitpod as the alternative Cloud IDE

As of now, it’s still in public BETA (so no prices) – according to their official representative. Gitpod, which is said to extend GitHub, is an online integrated development environment (IDE). So basically, it’s a cloud IDE. Therefore, let’s find out: Is Gitpod good enough as the alternative Cloud IDE? Gitpod promises to provide the user with a fully working development environment. What? Another cloud IDE? Gitpod says that it doesn’t aim at replacing desktop development because admit it, nothing beats the old school user interface.

June 2, 2019
Why should I use Cloud9 IDE?

As a developer, this question must have crossed your mind every once in a while. Why should I use Cloud9 IDE? Now that it has moved to AWS Cloud9, why should I use Cloud IDE in the first place? The “Cloud” feature is almost everywhere these days that it makes it almost impossible that no application or software won’t have it. This is because being on the “Cloud” offers much more convenience than you would expect.