Gitpod Cheatsheets

These cheat sheets should help you to jump-start your work with Gitpod Cloud cheatsheets

Run proper workspace images.

You can see the list of available workspace images here: There is no need to install all the packages in workspace-full when you need Ruby and NodeJS. Or, you can install Go and Python if that’s all you need.

File and data persistency

Remember, only files and data under /workspace directory will be persistent after you restart the workspace. Make sure to put the data/files you want to persist under that directory.

For example, the PostgreSQL data directory must be under /workspace. Otherwise, every time your workspace restarts, you’ll have no data.

In upcoming months, Gitpod said they’ll make the full backup of the whole workspace directory. Until then, let’s put all the stuff we want to persist under /workspace.

Pin workspace

I’ve lost a workspace because I forget to pin it. To pin a workspace:

  • Click the three dots icon at the top right of a workspace
  • Look for “Pin” under the dropdown menu.
  • Click it to check it.

Gitpod will keep all the pinned workspaces forever.

Share workspace

Still, with the three dots icon, you can click “Share” to share the workspace with your co-workers.

Beware that sharing workspace means anyone with the workspace link can access the workspace and push and modify codes. Only share it with the ones you trust.

Optimize gitpod.yml

You can run many things you need after the workspace instantiates. For Ruby on Rails, you can

  • Run bundle install
  • Execute database creation, migration, and seed.
  • Start Redis-server
  • Start webpack server
  • Run yarn install

For Hugo, you can start the Hugo server. The possibilities are endless.

Environment variables

While you can put environment variables in Dockerfile, it is not best practice. For a security-sensitive value like token or password, you can store it on Gitpod environment variables on the settings page:

Choose the theme

Go to the preferences page: to change the Gitpod theme:

  • Light
  • Dark
  • System. This setting will follow your Mac’s system color, whether it’s light or dark.

Choose the IDE

Still, on the preferences page, you can choose between VS Code or Theia IDE. But, Gitpod will remove Theia by the end of August.

More integrations

By the time it launches, Gitpod only supports Github. But now, it supports more integrations with:

  • Gitlab
  • Bitbucket
  • Self-hosted git.

Heroku login after enabling MFA.

  • Login to your account on
  • From your Account Settings page 20, scroll down to the API Key section and then reveal your API key.
  • When logging into the Heroku CLI from within Gitpod, continue using interactive CLI login, paste your API key instead of your password.



You may find the answer and solution for your problems posted at their community page

Gitpod limitations as of July 27, 2021

Other cheats will come over time. In the meantime, why don’t you explore related things about Gitpod below?

Categories: Cloud IDE  
