Category: Web Hosting

January 31, 2021
How to avoid bad web hosts

Bad web hosts are going to ruin your business. It may be worse. How to avoid them at all costs? Be mindful of the reviews Almost all web hosts reviews have their affiliate link. Just ignore them unless there’s a discount or another benefit for you. Double-check on community My favorite place to do this is on this Reddit sub. Look for any issues or complaints about the web host you’re going to buy.

March 12, 2020
There’s More Than One Way to Speed Up the Web

Tech developers have searched for more and more ways to speed up the web for last 30 years. Dial-up connections gave way to cable internet service. Bulky browsers like Internet Explorer gave way to slimmer software like Google Chrome. Cutting edge Pentium processors are now considered entry-level as speedier options make their way into our homes and offices. From cars to computers, humans seem to have an inherent need for speed.

October 1, 2019
Absolutely worry about these if you use Let’s Encrypt

Are you using Let’s Encrypt? Or are you planning to use it in your future web projects? I can tell you this. You must worry about these if you use Let’s Encrypt SSL. Auto-renewal My blog has some hours downtime today. It is bad. I thought it was a glitch on VeeroTech side. Their support said it’s a Cloudflare issue. I checked on Cloudflare but everything is fine there. I found the problem was the expired SSL certificate.

September 18, 2019
Remarkable things I found on VeeroTech after three months

Three months ago, at the beginning of June, I decided to move this blog to VeeroTech web hosting. It turned out to be the right decision. Here areremarkable things I found on VeeroTech after three months hosting with them. Remarkable uptime For a $3.95/month host, I don’t expect too much. I only hope it won’t go down too often like my old host. It turns out their service is beyond my expectation.

September 13, 2019
SiteGround – good web hosting with strong commitments

Some days ago I wrote my story about setting up Let’s Encrypt SSL on SiteGround. It wasn’t a good story. After several years working with their service, I face such a problem. But this problem shows how they’re really a web hosting with strong commitments. Not only that, here are more facts I’ve found. An honest cheap price I know that some people will have a hostile comment about this statement.

September 10, 2019
Why you must use Cloudflare

It’s been some months since I put the Cloudflare in front of this blog. The results make me happy. Not only it puts a security layer by filtering the traffic that hits this blog, but it also gives me others. Here’s why you must use Cloudflare service, or at least give it a try. Firewall A firewall makes the job easier to block some countries or IP address. All I have to do is just including the country or IP address to the list.

September 8, 2019
Let’s Encrypt SSL problem on SiteGround

This happens on the GrowBigaccount this weekend. Their documentation says the Let’s Encrypt SSL (without wildcard) should take effect immediately. Here’s the link to the doc which says it. Here’s the details story for Let’s Encrypt SSL problem on SiteGround. It’s doesn’t work It’s doesn’t work in my case. The popup says the Let’s Encrypt SSL has successfully installed. But after waiting for almost 24 hours, the SSL is not there.

August 2, 2019
How to deal with hosting that pushed you to upgrade

Recently I often read people say their hosting pushed them to upgrade to a higher plan. The reason is a common one. They say the hosted site has exceeded the limit. Therefore, they pushed the site owner to upgrade. Yet, most of them said they are not sure if their site’s traffic grows to that point. Some of them tell me the hosting claims have too much difference with their analytics data.

July 10, 2019
Why Should You Use Cloudflare Like I Do

I know and I use Cloudflare service for a client’s projects for years. Yet, I am not convinced to use them on my blog for several reasons. Among those reasons, the most important one is I don’t want to switch the name server to theirs. Several days ago, I try it through the Cloudflare menu on Cpanel. I tried to switch using CNAME, but I could not figure out for the whole day.

June 26, 2019
Things to do after changing to better domain’s host

Many things to do after pointing out the domain to another host for whatever reasons. Missing one of them may lead a disaster to your side. Here are the hings to do after changing to better domain’s host There are many things which usually we missed to do after changing the domain’s host. By changing the domain’s host, I mean when you pointed the domain you own on your registrar’s DNS manager to another host.

June 20, 2019
Hosting WordPress on Netlify

Is it possible to host a WordPress blog or site on the Netlify platform? Because we already know that Netlify only allows you to host a static HTML site. So, how to do hosting WordPress on Netlify? Is it possible for hosting WordPress on Netlify in the first place? The answer is yes. It is possible, but with some tricks. In short We need to convert the whole WordPress site into a fully working static HTML site.

June 17, 2019
Managed Hosting vs Unmanaged Hosting Service

Which one should you choose: fully managed host service or unmanaged hosting service? Let’s see how to choose between managed hosting vs unmanaged hosting service. Managed Hosting Managed hosting means your hosting will do the most of management for your server. There are two kinds of managed hosting: half managed hosting and fully managed hosting. You need to ask the hosting company you work with for details. Most of shared hosting, as far as I know is one of this half managed hosting service.

June 8, 2019
Best practices for web hosting customers

The best practices for web hosting customers to follow, to easily recover from the upcoming disaster which can happen anytime. Some days ago, I read about a fuss about “ Digital Ocean just killed our company” and I feel I was reminded about the importance of best practice when we had something: either it’s an app, database, data, or anything hosted on our rented web hosting. Whether it’s on unmanaged or managed to host service, whether it’s a VPS or shared web hosting, or whether it’s a dedicated server, it’s very important to follow such best practices as strictly as possible.

June 3, 2019
A Comparison: Shared Hosting and Heroku

When it comes to being an online platform, there are numerous ways of how this can be achieved. Two of which are shared hosting and Heroku. What are the differences between shared hosting and Heroku? In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of each one over the other are highlighted to help you decide on which works best for your needs. Shared hosting and Heroku Before anything else, here’s a differentiation of shared hosting and Heroku.

June 3, 2019
Beginners Guides to Choose Domain for Personal Homepage

Deciding what to use as a domain name is the same as deciding for an organization name — it demands a great deal of contemplation and thought. So, you need those beginners guides to choose domain for personal homepage Why is it that important? Your domain name is your character on the net; you need to guarantee that you pick a domain name that represents your business, which should be easy to discover, remember and of course, simple to promote.

June 3, 2019
Complete list of the best and cheap fully managed dedicated server hosting

I know, there are already myriad articles on the internet that give you the list of best and cheap fully managed dedicated server hosting. Unfortunately, most of them were written along with affiliate links. What does it mean? It means, their review will be biased, more or less. Will you say something bad about the service you promoted, and you’ll gain some commissions ( eventually, a big one ) when the buyers bought the service through your link?

June 3, 2019
Recommended Web Hosting Services for Beginners

So, you’re finally going out of your comfort zone and have decided to commit yourself to choose the best web hosting service for your site. I have made this article to help beginners choose which web hosting service could best deliver their sites in action in terms of price, services specialty, speed, uptime, and customer support. I know how important it is to choose your first hosting site as it gets even more real than anything else you have created.

June 3, 2019
Recommended Web Hosting Services under $5/month

*Most of these services cut down their original monthly rate. This year, cPanel increase their price significantly. Check again on the hosting you want to buy the service, because they will surely increase their price to cover it. So, here are recommended web hosting services under $5/month, really suitable for you who’s just getting started. Namecheap for $2.88/month With Namecheap, users may register their domain name, as it is a leading domain registrar.

June 3, 2019
What you need to know before using Heroku

Heroku is an interesting platform. Many folks, especially developers, often use their service to host a hobby project for free. The others, who are just starting a project, are also trying Heroku to host and run their MVP, for free. Here are the things you need to know before using Heroku to run your production app. It’s not free for a production app Heroku is not free if you want to run a production app.

June 3, 2019
When should you upgrade your hosting plan from shared hosting?

Many site owners, especially those who used CMS like WordPress, mostly had no idea when should they upgrade your hosting plan from shared hosting. There are many factors to consider before you decide to upgrade your hosting plan from shared hosting. Have you found the culprit why your site slowed down? This is important, in fact, it’s the most important. Before you decide to upgrade your current shared hosting, you need to make sure you have found the culprit ( I mean, the cause ) why your site slowed down.

June 3, 2019
Why The Best Web Hosting Provider Doesn’t Exist

Most people on the Internet are only familiar with the back office and front-end functionality of the websites. Just like other things in this world which are not ideal, so they are with web hosting provider. Here’s why The Best Web Hosting Provider doesn’t exist. Appearance and navigation, after all, are the first things you’ll notice if you visit a site. But there’s more to a website than what meets the eye.

June 2, 2019
How to get best web hosting service for beginners

Can I just say that the number of web hosting services offered these days are just so overwhelming? I know it feels like to look up “best web hosting service” on the Internet only to find out that there are over a hundred “bests” out there. So, if you’re having the same dilemma I am, here’s a quick guide on how you can choose just the right web hosting service for you.

June 2, 2019
Review of VeeroTech SSD Micro based on first hand experience

Short term review of Veerotech SSD Micro based on the first-hand experience. It is one of their cheapest shared hosting plan which price is close to the Namecheap Stellar hosting plan (at the time I write this) Updates on June 4, 2019: It turns out that VeeroTech support is also top-notch, comparable to even Namecheap with their Live chat feature. They quickly solved my problem with .htaccess Updates on September 18, 2019: