Tag: security

October 3, 2023
How To Secure Your Business From Cyber Attacks

Image credit Cybercrime has become more popular, with data breaches harming many people in 2021 and 2022. But it doesn’t end here! The number of cases will reach 15.4 million by the end of 2023. It’s no news that cyber attacks can devastate businesses in many ways, and some never bounce back. This explains why firms are beginning to accept the need to boost cyber security measures. If you want to protect your establishment from digital criminals, these tips are what you need.

December 14, 2022
Here's why I delete my 1Password account

kevinhq.com - Yesterday, I decided to delete my 1Password account. Most of the reasons are personal so take it easy. Here they are: It’s frozen for a very long time. I don’t remember how long it was. With a frozen account, I can only read the information there. There’s no autofill feature anymore. I couldn’t add any logins either. It urged me to subscribe to a plan. A few weeks before I deleted it, it often showed texts asking me to subscribe to a plan.

November 21, 2022
What should you do if your content is stolen

Today I read a post on blogging sub-reddit which asking what should your or I do, when other bloggers copied contents from your blog? Even worse, those sites which stole your content ranks higher on Google search result page. Here’s some actions you can do to fight back. Contact the site owner The easiest one is to contact the site owner through email address (if you can find it) or any other means you find.

July 26, 2022
Tips To Keep Your Company Safe From IT Hacks

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/light-man-people-woman-6963061/ As a business, it’s important that you keep yourself as safe from any potential hackers or security threats as possible. This is because if a hacker manages to make its way into your system, it can steal valuable and private data that could end up costing your company a lot to get back. They can also work to take down your website which can cost you both time and money as you have to make up for the missed hours as well as spend a stressful time getting it back up again.

February 20, 2021
Personal Computer Tips To Do To Ensure Cyber Security

Image Credit In contemporary society, cybercrime is on the rise. People’s data is put in jeopardy each day. Cyberpunks invent new ways to access innocent people’s data and use it to harm them. There are instances when hackers obtain confidential information about someone and use it to claim ransom failure, to which they leak it to the public. Your data and any other personal information you do not wish to display to the public can be kept safe from crackers.

September 8, 2019
Let’s Encrypt SSL problem on SiteGround

This happens on the GrowBigaccount this weekend. Their documentation says the Let’s Encrypt SSL (without wildcard) should take effect immediately. Here’s the link to the doc which says it. Here’s the details story for Let’s Encrypt SSL problem on SiteGround. It’s doesn’t work It’s doesn’t work in my case. The popup says the Let’s Encrypt SSL has successfully installed. But after waiting for almost 24 hours, the SSL is not there.

August 15, 2019
Why you should use uBlock Origin just like me?

Browsing websites with intrusive ads is the worst experience. It’s even worse if those annoying ads are interfering you to read the content. All of us deserve a better browsing experience. This is where the ad-block software comes in-handy. The problem is there are many of them today. For a Chrome or Firefox, there are at least two well-knowns: AdBlock and Adblock Plus. I used to use AdBlock as my first-time ad-block.

July 10, 2019
Why Should You Use Cloudflare Like I Do

I know and I use Cloudflare service for a client’s projects for years. Yet, I am not convinced to use them on my blog for several reasons. Among those reasons, the most important one is I don’t want to switch the name server to theirs. Several days ago, I try it through the Cloudflare menu on Cpanel. I tried to switch using CNAME, but I could not figure out for the whole day.

July 6, 2019
Problems that forced me to leave Dashlane for 1Password

Dashlane is good. Really good password manager for me. I had used it for a one-year, more or less. However, in the last month, I decided to move from Dashlane to 1Password. Here are the problems that forced me to leave Dashlane for 1Password. It’s not because Dashnale is not good enough, of course. Plan to minimize the cost Dashlane’s monthly cost is more expensive than 1Password. However, Dashlane did provide more features.

June 3, 2019
Do I need a password manager software?

It’s been a while I am exploring my own needs and also do some researches on the internet to find out if I really need a VPN service. During this period, I come to realize that I may need a password manager software more, than a VPN service. Do I really need a pasword manager? This started from several months ago when I notice some of the scams e-mail on my spam folder which mentioned old password I’ve used on some sites, several years ago, during my time on college.

June 3, 2019
HSTS Preload List Commitment

If your site is now running on https protocol, you may think for inclusion into the Chrome’s HSTS Preload List. But, before you do it, here’s the HSTS Preload List Commitment you must have. Being included in the Chrome HSTS Preload List means Chrome and other major browsers will only open your site and all of its subdomains with https only. This means you have the commitment to provide https for your site and all of its subdomains.