Tag: web hosting

November 17, 2022
Managed vs Unmanaged hosting

Managed hosting generally provides more support and assistance than unmanaged hosting Managed hosting generally provides more support and assistance than unmanaged hosting. This is because managed hosting providers will often have a team of experts on hand to help you with any problems that you might encounter. They will also proactively monitor your server for any potential issues, and can often provide you with advice on how to avoid them.

January 31, 2021
How to avoid bad web hosts

Bad web hosts are going to ruin your business. It may be worse. How to avoid them at all costs? Be mindful of the reviews Almost all web hosts reviews have their affiliate link. Just ignore them unless there’s a discount or another benefit for you. Double-check on community My favorite place to do this is on this Reddit sub. Look for any issues or complaints about the web host you’re going to buy.

October 29, 2019
How To Make WordPress As Fast As Static Site

Long ago, I wrote about migrating from WordPress to Netlify. It turned out I was going back to WordPress until now. Hosting a static site will indeed be much faster than WordPress. However, it’s more difficult to manage compared to WordPress. So, how to make a WordPress as fast as a static site? Cache plugins that generate static sites of your WordPress site There are many WordPress plugins which support this.

September 18, 2019
Remarkable things I found on VeeroTech after three months

Three months ago, at the beginning of June, I decided to move this blog to VeeroTech web hosting. It turned out to be the right decision. Here areremarkable things I found on VeeroTech after three months hosting with them. Remarkable uptime For a $3.95/month host, I don’t expect too much. I only hope it won’t go down too often like my old host. It turns out their service is beyond my expectation.

August 2, 2019
How to deal with hosting that pushed you to upgrade

Recently I often read people say their hosting pushed them to upgrade to a higher plan. The reason is a common one. They say the hosted site has exceeded the limit. Therefore, they pushed the site owner to upgrade. Yet, most of them said they are not sure if their site’s traffic grows to that point. Some of them tell me the hosting claims have too much difference with their analytics data.

June 26, 2019
Things to do after changing to better domain’s host

Many things to do after pointing out the domain to another host for whatever reasons. Missing one of them may lead a disaster to your side. Here are the hings to do after changing to better domain’s host There are many things which usually we missed to do after changing the domain’s host. By changing the domain’s host, I mean when you pointed the domain you own on your registrar’s DNS manager to another host.

June 17, 2019
Managed Hosting vs Unmanaged Hosting Service

Which one should you choose: fully managed host service or unmanaged hosting service? Let’s see how to choose between managed hosting vs unmanaged hosting service. Managed Hosting Managed hosting means your hosting will do the most of management for your server. There are two kinds of managed hosting: half managed hosting and fully managed hosting. You need to ask the hosting company you work with for details. Most of shared hosting, as far as I know is one of this half managed hosting service.

June 8, 2019
Best practices for web hosting customers

The best practices for web hosting customers to follow, to easily recover from the upcoming disaster which can happen anytime. Some days ago, I read about a fuss about “ Digital Ocean just killed our company” and I feel I was reminded about the importance of best practice when we had something: either it’s an app, database, data, or anything hosted on our rented web hosting. Whether it’s on unmanaged or managed to host service, whether it’s a VPS or shared web hosting, or whether it’s a dedicated server, it’s very important to follow such best practices as strictly as possible.

June 3, 2019
Recommended services to host Ruby on Rails apps

Here are some recommended services to host your Ruby on Rails apps. They’re ordered by alphabet and it does not mean one service is better than the others. I listed those services, which I had experience with them. Do remember that, each service had its own advantages and its own disadvantages. You need to choose it based on your project’s needs. If needed, consult with your developer before choosing one of them.

June 2, 2019
Review of VeeroTech SSD Micro based on first hand experience

Short term review of Veerotech SSD Micro based on the first-hand experience. It is one of their cheapest shared hosting plan which price is close to the Namecheap Stellar hosting plan (at the time I write this) Updates on June 4, 2019: It turns out that VeeroTech support is also top-notch, comparable to even Namecheap with their Live chat feature. They quickly solved my problem with .htaccess Updates on September 18, 2019: