Things to do after changing to better domain’s host

Many things to do after pointing out the domain to another host for whatever reasons. Missing one of them may lead a disaster to your side. Here are the hings to do after changing to better domain’s host

There are many things which usually we missed to do after changing the domain’s host.

By changing the domain’s host, I mean when you pointed the domain you own on your registrar’s DNS manager to another host.

Usually, we did such a thing by changing the domain’s CNAME and A record or changing the nameservers.

The ideal way to do this, of course, depends on each case.

But if your case only needed you to update CNAME and A record, you don’t need to change anything else.

Otherwise, when you changed the nameservers of the domain, be careful. This because all of the DNS records you had set up on the current nameservers DNS manager won’t work.

For example, if you’re using Google Suite for e-mail address with the domain, you will have the trouble of receiving e-mail on your Gmail inbox.

This because all of the DNS records you had set up on your current nameservers DNS manager won’t work anymore.

You need to copy all of those records, in the e-mail case is those MX records on your new nameservers DNS manager.

To make things clear, let’s read the story below.

Suppose I had registered my domain and hosting on Namecheap.

Then, once they’re expired, I only extend my domain on Namecheap.

But I bought hosting on another party.

After that, I pointed the domain I had on Namecheap to that new hosting by updating the nameservers.

This will require me to copy all of DNS records I had on Namecheap to this new hosting DNS manager.

If I did not do this, then all the DNS records I set on Namecheap will stop working.

One of possible damage is the e-mail I set up using MX records will stop working.

I won’t be able to send or receive e-mail until I fix the DNS records on the new host.

Another important thing to check is making sure that both internal and external links to the domain will keep working.

This includes the path to the entries, articles, menus that supposed to work before moving the domain to the new host.

Otherwise, you may need to set up many 301 redirects to redirect all of the traffics to old paths of articles to the new one on the new host.

Sending and receiving an e-mail with a domain address.

As I explained above, e-mail that’s using address will stop working if you changed the nameservers of the domain to the new host.

See at the top how to fix this, and make sure it’s fixed by sending and receiving a couple of test e-mails.

Make sure the monitoring still works

Though the monitoring broke very rarely after you change the domain’s host, it never hurt to check and ensure the monitoring you had set up earlier still works.

This is important so that you will be the first one to know if anything happened after you point the domain to the new host.


Is your domain using SSL on the current host?

You usually need to install SSL certs again on the new host once your domain pointed there.

Whether you can move the old SSL for your domain to the new host, it seems completely depends on your new hosting company.

Conclusion so far

There are many things (or even more for large sites) to move the domain from one hosting company to another one.

It’s better to carefully choose your host. Therefore, you don’t need to move from one host to another unless it’s very critical to do.

Categories: Web Hosting  

Tags: domain   web hosting