The Time Loop: The Discovery

Dr. Lee waited for an eternity, but no one came. He tried to calm himself down and think of a way out of his situation.

He wondered if he could reverse the device and go back to his original time. He looked at the console inside the capsule and saw a dial with numbers ranging from -10 to 10. He assumed that this was the time adjustment control and he could used it to set the desired amount of time to travel forward or backward.

He decided to try it. He turned the dial to -5, hoping it would send him five minutes into the past.

He pressed the button and felt another jolt of electricity.

He opened his eyes and checked his watch.

It showed 12:50 p.m.

He smiled, thinking that he had succeeded.

He pressed the button on his helmet to activate the external camera.

He looked at the screen and saw that the control room was still empty.

He frowned, confused.

He pressed the button again, switching to another camera angle.

He saw that the door of the control room was open. There was a sign on it that read: “Do not enter. An experiment in progress.”

He realized that he had not gone back to his original time, but to five minutes before he entered the capsule.

He had traveled back in time, but not far enough.

He wondered if he could try again, and turn the dial to a higher negative number.

He decided to do it. He turned the dial to -10, hoping it would send him ten minutes into the past.

He pressed the button and felt another jolt of electricity.

He opened his eyes and checked his watch.

It showed 12:45 p.m.

He smiled, thinking that he had succeeded.

He pressed the button on his helmet to activate the external camera.

He looked at the screen and saw that the control room was still empty.

He frowned, confused.

He pressed the button again, switching to another camera angle.

He saw that the door of the control room was closed and that there was a sign on it that read: “Do not disturb. An experiment in preparation.”

He realizedhe had gone back in time, but not far enough.

He had traveled back in time, but not far enough.

He wondered if he could try again, and turn the dial to a higher negative number.

But before he could do it, he heard a voice coming from his helmet speaker.

“Dr. Lee? Can you hear me?”

It was Dr. Kim’s voice.

To be continued…

Categories: fiction   serial   time travel  

Tags: the time loop