The Time Loop: The Betrayal

Dr. Lee maintained his resistance and his decision. He used the device only for scientific purposes, and only with proper authorization and supervision.

He continued to participate in several experiments and studies, where he and his colleagues tested the device and its capabilities.

They continued to explore different timelines, where they observed and recorded various events and phenomena.

They continued to learn a lot about the device and its effects, and about the nature of time and reality.

They continued to make some discoveries and breakthroughs, and also some mistakes and failures.

They continued to face some challenges and difficulties, and also some opportunities and benefits.

They continued to have some fun and excitement, and also some fear and danger.

They continued to do their best to be careful and responsible and to avoid any harm or damage.

They continued to do their best to be good scientists and good people.

They continued to do their best to do the right thing.

But Dr. Lee was not aware of a secret plot that was brewing behind his back. He was not aware that one of his colleagues, Dr. Park, had a different agenda and a different plan.

Dr. Park was not interested in the device for scientific purposes but for personal gain. He wanted to use the device for his benefit and his ambition.

He wanted to use the device to change the past or influence the future.

He wanted to use the device to meet himself, or other versions of himself.

He wanted to use the device to find out the secrets of the universe, or the meaning of life.

He wanted to use the device to have some fun or some adventure.

He wanted to use the device to do anything he wanted or anything he imagined.

He was not tempted to try it.

He was determined to do it.

But he also knew that he could not do it alone. He knew that he needed access to the device and that he needed help from someone who knew how it worked.

He knew that he needed Dr. Lee.

He decided to deceive him. He decided to break the rules and regulations. He decided to ignore ethics and morals. He decided to use the device for his purposes without proper authorization and supervision.

He decided to be a bad scientist and a bad person.

He decided to do the wrong thing.

To be continued…

Categories: fiction   serial   time travel  

Tags: the time loop