How to block ads on Safari 13

Ever since updating to macOS Catalina, I got Safari 13 as the default browser. Safari has been the most saving battery power browser on macOS. And, it’s still it is. However, there is one problem. The uBlock Origin won’t work anymore. Here is  the explanation. So, how to block ads on Safari 13?

The background problem

Safari is the most efficient browser on macOS. It consumes less battery significantly compared to Chrome or Firefox. All of us know this. On the other hand, now we can’t use  uBlock Origin on this browser.

So, it seems our options are:

  • Keep using Safari without uBlock Origin.

  • Use other browsers with uBlock Origin but consumes more battery power.

  • Use Safari with other un-efficient ad blockers and end up consuming more battery power too.

  • Try my proposed solution below.

My proposed solutions

Here are some of my proposed solutions to block ads on Safari 13.

1. Enable its native content blocker

Here’s how:

  • Click Safari on the top left.

  • Click the Preferences menu there. 

  • Or, just press Command and comma.

  • Click the Websites tab.

  • Look for Content Blockers on the left side of the window.

  • Click that Content Blockers menu.

  • Look at the bottom right of the window. 

  • Set “When visiting other websites” dropdown to  On . By default, it will be  Off .

Here’s how you should see:

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2. Use AdGuard DNS (free)

My router doesn’t support custom DNS. If your router supports it, you can install the DNS on yours.

Instead of the router, I set up AdGuard DNS on macOS. Here’s  how to set it up.

After the setup, let’s test if the AdGuard DNS is working. 

  • Go to their test page  here

  • Scroll down and click the green button to check again.

  • You should see something like this:  You are using “…” AdGuard DNS configuration.

You should see something like this on the AdGuard test page:

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The result

After doing those two, here are the results I see:

  • Sometimes I still see ads at the end of Youtube video (music).

  • No more ads on Reddit. See the screenshot at the bottom of this post.

  • I don’t see ads on my Twitter streams either.

  • I still see acceptable Google’s text ads on the Google SERP. Again, you can see the evidence on the following screenshot.


The conclusions I can take so far are:

  • I never see banner ads or annoying popup ads and the likes.

  • Some text ads like Google ads are still  showing . For me, this is still acceptable. Please keep in mind that Google SERP won’t always display the text ad. I suspect this depends on the keyword I use there.

Screenshot from Reddit

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Screenshot from Google SERP

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So, I wonder if these solutions are acceptable for you? Please let me know in the comment box below.


I miss mentioning that you need to install ad-blockers like Ka-Block on the App store.

If this is still not enough, you can turn off Javascript when browsing with Safari. It is ridiculous but the best way now. I use it for reading the web-based content only.

Categories: Internet  

Tags: adblock   safari