5 Tips to Protect Yourself Online


Our lives are becoming increasingly online. More and more of your everyday activities are now taking place in the digital world, as we use our phones for things like banking, watching TV, and ordering groceries. Our phones contain all the most important information in our lives and the majority of us would be lost without them. Mobile technology has allowed us to compress our entire existence into a tiny pocket-sized device.

But alongside these advances in technology, we are seeing online threats become more and more sophisticated. As we spend more time on our phones, hackers and scammers are finding new ways to target vulnerable individuals. The news is full of horror stories about pensioners having their bank accounts drained or people’s personal data being used for nefarious activities. Kenny Natiss notes the advancements in this area, such as building security into sim cards, could kill phishing and protect more people.

It’s essential that you take steps to stay safe whenever you’re using your personal devices. To help you avoid the risk of viruses, ransomware, and other malicious cyber attacks, here are five tips for protecting yourself online.

Install antivirus software

One of the biggest threats to any computer user is viruses, meaning antivirus software is something you can’t live without. Not only does it help fight off these malicious attacks, it also adds extra security to your system by encrypting files and identifying any potential malware. There are so many different options out there when it comes to antivirus programs so make sure you do your research, as each one comes with different features and layers of security. Once installed, the software will simply run in the background and fight the dark forces of the internet without any need for your input.

Be smart with passwords

Almost every single website requires you to create a username and password in order to use their services, but most people are incredibly careless with their login details. If you’re the kind of person who uses the same easy-to-guess password for every single site, you are putting yourself at risk. You should be using unique passwords for everything, and before you start worrying about how you;re going to remember them all, you should look into downloading a password manager tool. This will securely store all of your passwords for each site and allow you to login with a single click.

Keep your systems updated

Are you the kind of person that always delays system updates because you can’t be bothered to wait for your phone or laptop to reboot? It’s incredibly important that you keep your devices up-to-date as it ensures you have the best cyber security possible. Don’t put it off. Update regularly for complete peace of mind.

Clear your cache

Most websites place cookies in your browser that pilfer your data and record your internet activity. It’s a good idea to clear your internet cache regularly, to ensure your data is safe.

Be aware of scams

There are so many different scams used to target unwary people online, so you should make yourself aware of the most common ones. Clickbait links and email phishing scams are the most likely culprits. It can be worth enrolling in a cyber security course to help you understand the threats and solutions available to keep you safe.

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