These Tech Problems Are Destroying Your E-Commerce Business

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There’s a common misconception that starting an e-commerce business will mean you’re instantly guaranteed to succeed. While the online shopping sector is booming, it doesn’t mean everyone will enjoy success. You can definitely get yourself a slice of the pie, but only if your online store works correctly.

Regularly, new businesses are hit by tech problems that ruin their chances of success. Here are three issues that are particularly painful and can destroy your e-commerce business:

Page loading speeds

Page loading speeds are always a huge issue in the e-commerce world. Primarily, you’re in trouble if your pages take ages to load. Unfortunately, this happens a lot as there is so much stuff on every page. How do you work around this? It’s actually extremely simple and you will kick yourself for not fixing it sooner. As shown on you can pay for services to help optimize your e-commerce platform and improve page optimization. In essence, you get tech help to ensure that your pages load as quickly as possible whenever someone clicks on them. This keeps people on your site for longer and can reduce the swarms of users that leave your website because the pages don’t load.

Mobile optimization

Speaking about optimization, you need your store to be ready for mobile devices. One stat really shows the importance of this as 79% of smartphone users made a purchase using their mobile device in the last 6 months. People use mobile devices to browse the web and buy things all the time. If your e-commerce site is not mobile-friendly, you are shooting yourself in the bart. For starters, it will be harder for people to find you in Google searches as Google punishes sites that aren’t optimized for mobile. Secondly, if people do land on your site, it will be a pain for them to load it and navigate. It simply does not fit their small screen, and they will leave right away. Always optimize your site for mobile devices if you want it to succeed!

Security certificates

Security certificates tell users if a website is safe and secure. The most common one around is the SSL certificate, which every single e-commerce site should have!! SSL offers encryption to protect user data from outside threats. In essence, it means users can safely put their credit card details into your website without worrying about prying eyes looking in. If your site doesn’t have an SSL certificate, nobody will trust it. In fact, their browser will probably warn them that the site is not secure, so they won’t even make it onto your pages.

To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, check out the video below as it explains more about SSL certificates and how to get them:

Is your e-commerce site guilty of some of these tech problems? If you’ve hit the trifecta, you have some serious catching up to do. Ensure that your website loads quickly and all the pages are optimized for mobile devices. At the same time, get yourself an SSL certificate to secure your site and build trust amongst consumers.

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