Google Search brings continuous scrolling to desktop

What does it mean for searchers?

Long ago, when you searched on Google and you didn’t find what you’re looking for, you scrolled to the bottom of the result page. Then, you had to click the page number there. Now, it’s different at least for those who used Google search in the United States.

Now, when you scroll down the Google search result page, it will load more search results. So, it continues as you scroll down. It keeps showing more search results as you’re scrolling.

Personally, I prefer this approach to the old one. Here’s why: I used to browse using my phone, it’s more comfortable to browse the search result page because I don’t need to tap those small page numbers anymore! Now, I only need to keep scrolling down to get the one that I’m looking for.

In short, it’s more convenient for searchers, especially for those who’s searching with their mobile phones.

What does it mean for bloggers and developers?

There is only one search result page. No more second or third page. All your pages will be on the first page. It’s the matter of your position on the page now. If your page is on the top 5 positions, searchers will see you without scrolling down.

Google Statement

Taken from Search Engine Land post, here’s the Google statement about this update:

Google statement. “So starting today, we’re bringing continuous scrolling to desktop so you can continue to see more helpful search results with fewer clicks. It’s now even easier to get inspired with more information at your fingertips,” a Google spokesperson told Search Engine Land.

“Now, when you scroll down you’ll continue to find relevant results so that you can discover new ideas. When you reach the bottom of a search results page, up to six pages of results will be automatically shown until you see a “More results” button if you wish to continue further.,” Google added.

The test

On the following video, I test the Google Search myself. At least for the searchers in the United States, Google search result page on desktop is now showing continuous scrolling. There is no more pagination at the bottom of the page.

Categories: SEO  
