Best Ways To Increase Your Website Traffic


Increased traffic leads to increased sales. It’s a no-brainer in business. To increase your website sales, you first must work to ensure as many people are visiting your website as possible.

If you’re one of the many business owners who has spent countless hours perfecting their website only to find that no-one is visiting, you aren’t alone. You’ve come to the right place to get advice for driving people to your website as organically as possible. Take a look at these top tips.

Yes, you can use social media for free when running your business. It’s a great way to build a following and advertise your products and services. However, platforms like Facebook also offer paid advertising opportunities and they’re worth the money.

You can spend as much or as little as you like when it comes to advertising via social media. The way this works is that Facebook will take your target audience criteria and make your business visible to the people it will appeal to the most. This way, your business is far more likely to attract the people who are likely to buy from you. Start off slowly and if it works for you, think about making a bigger investment.

Hire An Influencer

Influencers do exactly what it says on the tin. They influence people to buy your products and visit your website. There are many different levels of influencers, from celebrities to Instagram stars or TikTokers with a large following.

If you want to give your business an initial boost, look for an influencer who has many followers in your target audience. Just a simple post or a video could be enough to gain enough traction to send traffic to your website.

Look For An Old Domain

Maybe the domain you have just isn’t working for you. Many business owners start off with a brand new domain for their website because they think that’s the best way to do things. However, using tools like Domain Hunter Gatherer could point you in the direction of an old domain that will work better for you.

Old domains often come with an already established list of visitors who could be perfect for your business. You’ll be able to choose from a list of relevant old domains that could give you the leg up you need when starting out.

Time Sensitive Discounts

Discounts and rewards are all a part of business. They allow you to ramp up interest in your products and services. Those followers who may be sitting on the fence could jump off it if a discount is offered.

Time sensitive discounts allow you to have control over what happens and when. It also means you can be prepared for an influx of orders during this time sensitive period. It’s a good way to get an understanding of what motivates your audience to visit your website and buy.

Bloggers and Press

This is a great way to widen the net when you’re ready for it. Influential bloggers who write for your target audience can easily promote your business through their writing. Simply by including a link to your website in their content, they can direct readers to your products.

Similarly, the press can outright advertise your business and what it has to offer. Be sure to choose a press outlet that targets the right people. If you’re only going to use this option a few times a year, make sure you do it strategically. For example, putting out a press release in the lead up to Christmas for gift ideas for shoppers.

Content Marketing

No matter what you do, you’ll never be able to get away from needing content marketing. You’ll need to market your business with many different types of content. It can help to have your own blog on your website for industry specific news that your visitors will be interested in.

You can also share your content on social media. Bear in mind that most people are viewing content differently to the way they were a decade ago. Whereas then people were happy to read through an article with few images, now people want to see images, infographics, and videos. Video marketing has become huge in the last few years and it’s important for all businesses to take advantage of it. If you haven’t tried creating video content yet, there’s no better time than now.

If you’ve found this article helpful, take a look at the others.

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