Five reasons why your new blog lose traffic after Google updates

It’s not because Google hates you or your blog. There is nothing personal here. Read on these five reasons below.

Algorithm changes

Google updates its algorithm regularly, which affects your search engine rankings. If your blog post ranked highly for a particular keyword, and then the algorithm changes, it may no longer rank as highly, leading to a drop in traffic.

It’s possible the new algorithm put the domain age into the calculation. Some site owners with a domain age of about six months say they lose traffic from Google after an update.

Content quality

One possible reason could be a change in the quality of your blog content. If your blog doesn’t provide the value your readers expect, they may begin to lose interest and stop visiting your blog.

Content quality is one of the essential factors that Google considers when evaluating websites for search rankings. Google’s primary goal is to provide its users with the best search results. High-quality content is critical to achieving that objective.

When Google updates its algorithm, it aims to improve the quality of search results further. These updates aim to weed out low-quality content and promote high-quality content that adds value to users.

Low-quality content, such as duplicate or plagiarized content, keyword stuffing, and thin content, can lead to a decrease in traffic, and it can result in penalties by Google. Google has tools to identify and penalize websites that don’t meet its quality standards.

On the other hand, high-quality content, which is informative, original, and engaging, can help drive traffic and maintain high rankings on search engine result pages. It also improves the user experience by providing helpful information that meets the users' search intent.

Therefore, content quality plays a crucial role in search engine optimization and is a significant factor in Google’s updates. If your website’s content quality is low, it’ll be harder to maintain or improve your rankings after the Google updates. On the other hand, if you produce high-quality content regularly, you can expect to see consistent improvements in your website’s traffic and search engine rankings.

Changes in Google algorithms can also affect the links and backlinks pointing to your blog. If your blog has spammy or low-quality links or you’ve lost some quality backlinks, it could significantly affect your rankings and the overall website authority.

Technical issues

Technical issues such as downtime, slow-loading pages, broken links, and errors can also affect your website’s ranking and cause a decrease in traffic.

Competitor activity

Competitor activity can also be a reason for a decrease in traffic after a Google update. Your competitors' efforts to dominate the search rankings, use more authoritative backlinks, and create high-quality content can all cause your traffic to decrease. You must watch your competition and adapt your approach accordingly.

Suggestions for a new blog

SEO or black-hat SEO may help you in the short run but will ruin you in the long run. As Google always says, create a page for users, not for search engines. If the content of your page solves other people’s problems, they will search for it. And you know, Google always follows people.

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Tags: seo