When WordPress is not for your project

WordPress is currently the most popular CMS platform on earth.

Not only use it as CMS or blogging, people often use it as a tool to build their own personal site, a company profile site, or another kind of site like a job board site.

It is indeed powerful.

Almost all of the customizations we wanted are already provided by the plugins.

Even better, most of those plugins are free though some of them offered a paid plan for more services.

But, there are some conditions that WordPress is not for your project.

Let’s see the following case study:

Kevin works as web developer.

He is proficient with WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS and other front-end related things to build decent site.

At some points, he built a personal site which contains some of short blog posts relating to his industry.

He built it with WordPress.

He even built some simple WordPress plugins to suit the need for his site.

However, he’s also really busy with his work and he had very little time to update his personal site. He hardly can update it once a week, or even once in a month.

Back to the first days he built his site, Kevin did many customizations and optimizations on his site’s WordPress installation.

He customized the theme to look as minimal as possible.

Then, do some tweaks some of WordPress configuration.

He tried some plugins and even build his own plugins and pushed it on his Github.

Jumped to some months later, Kevin hardly check his own site.

He simply didn’t have any more time to do it.

Until he realized that he only needs a web presence in a form of a static site, not a dynamic one.

There’s a huge difference between them in both costs and performance.

We will cover this later about dynamic versus static site.

In the end, he decided to give up on WordPress, and moved his site to a static site.

Here are some reasons why WordPress is not for Kevin’s personal site, and it may not for yours too if you:

  • only need a static site – a site which hardly updated like a personal site or company profile site.

  • don’t have time to update the content regularly and you won’t want to pay someone to do that.

  • are proficient to build content in HTML/CSS or Markdown and again, you hardly had time to update your site.

  • want your site is blazing fast and your site did not need a dynamic feature like allowing the user to register, login, and post something there.

  • don’t want to pay for the web host because you thought it’s not worth to pay such $$$ for a site which provides the content same, most of the time.

  • don’t want to worry about backing up the database, dealing with other server things and again — you don’t want to pay someone to do it for you.

  • manage your own site, you are the only one who handles it, and you are enjoying to write the content in HTML/CSS or Markdown format.

This does not mean I hate WordPress.

In fact, I really love this most popular CMS.

It’s really powerful, very easy to extend, has a strong community, open source, and has a bunch of plugins – when it’s used properly.

But I do hate to see something overkill.

Categories: WordPress  

Tags: wordpress