Tips to switch to Gutenberg – when your resources are ready

Here are the tips I’ve learned to switch to Gutenberg, once you think your resources are ready to do so.

Before switching to Gutenberg

Make sure your theme fully supports Gutenberg blocks

This is the most important. This way, when you switched to Gutenberg, you won’t mess up your site looks.

I switched to Gutenberg after I read on the Author theme’s page that the theme now fully supports the Gutenberg blocks.

Check on plugins and your most used browser extension

In my case, the Grammarly browser extension did not work smoothly. Sometimes, I need to click a block several times before the Grammarly checks the spelling there.

For Gutenberg columns block, it did not work at all.

However, all of the plugins I used are working fine with Gutenberg. As long as the plugin did not do anything with the frontend page, I think it should work fine with Gutenberg.

There are many folks that published the popular issues on Gutenberg. However, not all of them had same issue. Because an issue usually relates to a plugin or theme or sites customization.

Play with Gutenberg first until you’re confident using it

I played with Gutenberg live demo first, before I am really confident that I can use it on my blog.

Play with each of the Gutenberg blocks. Try to convert a draft that you write with Classic Editor. Then, edit it, preview, and make yourself and your editorial team familiar with the new editor.

Make a backup first

Or just do this on staging or test or local server. Don’t do the switch directly on the live site.

This way if a disaster happens, you won’t mess up with your visitor’s experience when they visit your site.

After switching to Gutenberg

Test thoroughly

Always test everything thoroughly before applying the changes on live site. This assumes you make the changes on your staging or test or local copy of your WordPress site first.

Publish new post with Gutenberg

Try to publish new post with Gutenberg. You can utilize its powerful blocks like:

  • Gallery

  • Heading

  • Paragraph

  • List

  • Column

  • Image

  • Classic. Yes, the blocks that work like Classic Editor. So, you can say that actually, Classic Editor was a part of Gutenberg

  • Quote

  • Image

  • Cover

  • Audio

  • File

  • Embeds blocks

  • Widget blocks

  • Page break

  • Separator

  • Spacer

  • Table

  • and the others

Let me know

If you don’t mind, please share your first published post after using Gutenberg on the comments below.

Feel free to speak up your opinion about Gutenberg too. Even if you are still in hostile position.

Before exploring this Gutenberg last weekend, I also have bad opinions about it. But now that I know how powerful it is, and how it actually makes my writing experience in WordPress better, I think I will never look back to Classic Editor again.

Oh, I almost forget. In fact, the Classic Editor is still there, as one of the Gutenberg blocks. This paragraph I write in the Gutenberg Classic block.

Categories: WordPress  

Tags: Gutenberg   wordpress