The best time to buy services is NOW

The best time to buy services is NOW. Here’s why.

Today I receive an e-mail from them which says that they’re running an August sale for 20% off and Jetpack plans today, August 23rd, through Saturday, August 31st.

Tips to get most of this deal:

  • Go to and start registering a free account if you haven’t convinced yet.

  • You still have seven days to decide. So, no need to hurry to upgrade to their paid subscription.

  • Explore as much as you can before August 31st.

  • Once you’re confident, feel free to upgrade to the paid tiers you need.

  • Enter this discount code on checkout: DISCOUNT20

What if you don’t want to use What if you prefer using your own hosted WordPress? There’s still a chance for you. Use Jetpack.

With Jetpack, you can rip the benefits of using your own hosted WordPress. That deal applied for Jetpack too.

For Jetpack, you can:

  • Install Jetpack as a plugin.

  • Then, explore its features and see if it makes you happy.

  • You still have time until August 31st. So, no need to hurry to upgrade to their paid service.

  • Once you’re confident, feel free to upgrade before August 31st.

  • Insert this discount code on checkout: DISCOUNT20

I use Jetpack Personal plan for this blog. It’s about $3.75/month. Now I feel sorry for myself after seeing this deal.

Don’t make the same mistake as me. The best thing about Jetpack Personal plan is their automatic back-up feature to VaultPress. Not only that, but I also get a license from the Akismet plugin.

Besides, there’s a feature to automatically restore if shit hits your WordPress site. It also has a feature to help you migrate your WordPress to another host. In case your host surprised you with their renewal price, this Jetpack Personal plan will come in handy.

Categories: WordPress  

Tags: deals   wordpress