Why WordPress is for your project

A long time ago, I wrote about When WordPress is not for your project. I explained several conditions and reasons why you can use alternatives for your project like a static site set up rather than WordPress. Now, I will also tell you why WordPress is for your project.

Being a Content Management System, WordPress will significantly assist you in organizing how your content will attractively appear on your project. This is no brainer. If you are not tech-savvy and did not have a budget to hire a professional web developer, WordPress is your best bet to manage your site’s on your own.

It is Free.

For a project, WordPress will help you keep your budget small because you won’t buy it. The only cost you’ll be obligated to pay is for web hosting or purchasing a professional theme. Another cost you may be obligated are third-party services like MailChimp or Aweber to manage your newsletter and e-mail campaigns. However, this is not mandatory, especially when you just started the building.

It greatly supports society.

Besides running about 30% of the websites on the internet, WordPress also constitutes 60% shares on the CMS market. This will help you. You have a large community to consult in case you have queries or challenges in your project. This has greatly kept my client’s journey smooth ( I am working on WordPress for a client’s project, not mine ). Besides, there are many great tutorials to get started with WordPress. It’s like things from community, supported by the community, and for the community. Here is the list of some sites which provided decent tutorials about WordPress:

Have numerous plugins.

It will enable you to customize your site because it offers plugins for optimizing your content for search, loading faster and automatic backup. Besides, it supports multimedia content. Almost all of the needs for a website can be fulfilled by WordPress plugins. For example, even if you plan to build a job-board site or membership site, there are some plugins to do that and even better: some of them provided free-tier service to help you started!

It is secure.

It allows an automatic software update which is crucial in keeping off data thieves and hackers from your site. Even better, it is an open-source project. Anyone can read and review the code. So the WordPress team will detect and patch any security holes in codes or any dangerous codes. Volunteers do it. Thanks to them.

Simple to use.

Installing takes less than five minutes, with an easy wizard to help you through, even after installing. This feature makes it compatible with both experts and newbies. For some hosting services, they even provided you with the “One Click Install” feature. With this, you can get your WordPress blog up and running within 5 minutes or less.

Here’s the quote from my fellow writer’s experience with WordPress:

Having been a blogger for nearly two years now, and using WordPress for my site, I can distinguish WordPress from other CMSs by the five keynotes above, with simplicity and security taking the priority.

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