How to make Grammarly checks all contents inside Gutenberg blocks

We all know that Grammarly can’t check all the paragraph we write inside Gutenberg block at once. We need to click on each paragraph to make Gutenberg check each of them. Here’s how to make Grammarly checks all contents inside Gutenberg blocks.

However, there’s a workaround for this. We can make Grammarly check all contents or paragraphs which spreads inside on its own Gutenberg blocks.

I write this tutorial as part of my quest to explore the Gutenberg.

Just to assure you, there is no need to install another plugin or another browser extension to practice the steps below. All you need are just the latest WordPress 5.2 with Gutenberg along with your Grammarly browser extension.

So, let’s start. Here are the steps:

1. Only write inside “Classic” block

After you add the title of the post, Gutenberg usually adds new paragraph block. Don’t use it. In fact, just remove it and add another new block: “Classic” block. This “Classic” block is actually a “Classic Editor” which works inside a Gutenberg.

2. Write or copy and paste all of your paragraphs there

Only write or copy and paste all of your paragraphs there. Don’t bother to add another block for now. If you’re using another text editor like MS. Word, just select them all and paste them into this “Classic” block.

3. Edit and update as you wish.

You can edit and update as you wish. It’s the same as the experience when you’re still using the WordPress Classic Editor, as long as you don’t bother with adding other blocks. Just stick inside the Classic block until you are satisfied with the articles.

4. Watch Grammarly works

Yes, it works as usual. Grammarly will check all of the paragraphs inside the Classic block at once. You have no need to click on each paragraph to trigger it. It will work just like you are using the old Classic Editor, though you’re working with Gutenberg now.

5. Once you finished the editing

Once you finished the editing process, you can save it as a draft, or scheduled to publish it some days in the future or publish it immediately.

Or, you can convert them into Gutenberg blocks by clicking the three dots icon at the top right of the Classic Editor. Then, choose the “Convert to Blocks” from the menu.

Since you had finished the editing, this means you had fixed all of the wording inside the articles. You have checked it with Grammarly and fixed each of the problems it shows.

6. If you decide to convert it to blocks

Just edit the block’s position by dragging and dropping each of the blocks. For example, if you need to format two paragraphs into two columns, you can:

  • Add a new “Column” block.

  • Drag and drop the “Paragraph” block into that column.

Conclusion so far

Indeed, as it is now, Grammarly did not work nicely with Gutenberg. But, by following the tutorials above, you can make it works nicely. Yes, just it used to work with WordPress Classic Editor.

Until the team behind Grammarly does something about this, those steps were the best way I found so far, to make it works with Gutenberg.

Categories: WordPress  

Tags: Gutenberg   wordpress